
As an old millennial, I never even watched one of the movies until I met my wife, who is a few years younger than me and the first books were around when she was the right age (I just looked it up and I was starting high school when the first book came out).
I still haven’t watched any of the movies or read the books
So they are divas then
I mean no one ever has to like anything, but not liking things (beyond terrible people like she is as a person) that people have never tried and lots of other people like is always kinda weird to me no matter what it is. People like different stuff, so it just never makes sense to me 🤷

Not saying you ever need to try it, most people die never trying a ton of stuff, but I love new things and want to judge things for myself, which is why I pretty much universally don't like reading critics until I've checked stuff out myself.
I kid a kid. I’m just picking fun at fine. I’m sure the Harry Potter movies and books are good.
It's cool, I'm really not wanting to defend them, haha. Just think a lot of things get hated on just because they're popular. And a lot of popular stuff is not good imo, but I still like to see what the fuss is about myself. Plus I low-key love everything Daniel Radcliffe has done since then. And the other two main actors seem like they turned out pretty great too despite being child actors in such a huge franchise. Rupert Grint (I think that's his name?) was really good in that M. Night show on Apple until he M. Nighted all over it.
When 90% of everything is crap (Sturgeon's Law), fine can be pretty good.

EDIT: I post this to clarify that I don't mean fine as an insult. I was a pretentious literary-minded high schooler when the first book came out, so I was never the intended audience. I like a lot of books, movies, TV, and music that are fine.
I still don’t get the allure of the books, but I was an adult when they came out so they did not cast their spell on me (sorry for the pun). Plus not having kids, I wasn’t able to share that connection with the books or movies with them.
I don’t think we are supposed to; We have Star Wars the millennials just beyond me have Harry Potter.