
I wonder if we'll see more of these little background clues during the season? I'm guessing for now it just means they're being watched not just by cameras but physically by (management?) people too?
Yeah, it was definitely deliberate; us the viewers seeing him but Mark didn't. As with everything related to the show, we will have to wait and see, but that's why I love it.
Just finished the new Neflix miniseries American Primeval. It's 6 episodes, about 1 hour each. It's fucking brilliant. One of the best shows I've seen. I'm sitting here trying to think what would keep me from giving this thing a 10/10 rating.. And I really can't think of anything. HIGHLY recommend. Taylor Kitsch is such an underrated actor, too.

Haven't watched it yet (our annual month or two of having a Netflix subscription just expired), but as someone raised Mormon, listening to the soundtrack by Explosions in the Sky and having a song titled "Adam Ondi Ahman" was a pretty wild experience. That's the name Joseph Smith gave to a place in Missouri that he says was the location of the Garden of Eden...
Haven't watched it yet (our annual month or two of having a Netflix subscription just expired), but as someone raised Mormon, listening to the soundtrack by Explosions in the Sky and having a song titled "Adam Ondi Ahman" was a pretty wild experience. That's the name Joseph Smith gave to a place in Missouri that he says was the location of the Garden of Eden...
Also as an aside, haven't watched the series yet (I will) but I really enjoyed the soundtrack. Definitely worth a listen even separate from the source material.

Explosions don't really have a miss when it comes to soundtracks, but thought this one was particularly well done.
Just finished the new Neflix miniseries American Primeval. It's 6 episodes, about 1 hour each. It's fucking brilliant. One of the best shows I've seen. I'm sitting here trying to think what would keep me from giving this thing a 10/10 rating.. And I really can't think of anything. HIGHLY recommend. Taylor Kitsch is such an underrated actor, too.

Watching it now. The show reminds me a bit of The English which I really enjoyed and to a lesser extent Deadwood which is one of my all time favorite shows. So far, my biggest issue is the over-reliance on CGI, so in that case it might hedge closer to something like The Revenant. It’s not the a deal breaker as I really enjoyed that film but I prefer a more naturalistic type cinematography with sweeping vista a’la John Ford or Terrence Malick so the less CGI the better.
Lots of love for Taylor Kitsch but American Primeval also features Shea Whigham, who is up there with Walt Goggins and Michael Shannon as characters actors in supporting roles that I will watch in pretty much anything.
This is a bit of a meta post but in watching American Primeval on Netflix w/commercials and noticed a commercial with Penèlope Cruz for “Fly Emirates” and I wonder who they are advertising to? Surely, if you have the money to fly on Emirates Airlines than you probably are springing for ad-free Netflix, right?
So watched American Primeval and depression aside, it was great. One gripe though is I spent the first bunch of episodes being angry at the main character for constantly ignoring the guy who in all likelihood knows far better than her and may be saying things for an actual reason. Infuriating.

"Hey, don't do that thing"
"Imma do the thing"
Awfulness ensure