The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

That one! 2021 Node, so N130. Fortunately, USB out into Qutest working very nicely.

Streaming will always be very much second fiddle to my vinyl set-up, but it’s great for background listening, for the kids and for Radio Paradise.
I'd be curious to know what if any improvement you experience going from Node/Qutest to another streamer/Qutest combo. My guess is any audible improvement will be very minimal if any, but I could be wrong.

Have you considered any power supply upgrades for the Node?
I'd be curious to know what if any improvement you experience going from Node/Qutest to another streamer/Qutest combo. My guess is any audible improvement will be very minimal if any, but I could be wrong.

Have you considered any power supply upgrades for the Node?
I've always thought the Qutest was indeed super cute, but somewhat skeptical of the audible differences from other DACs. Would love to hear more about the user's impressions. I ended up choosing another DAC that also had Bluetooth and balanced outputs.
Is Chord still on their first FPGA release for the Qutest? PS Audio DACs are also FPGA, and they updated and released their coding annually I think. (FPGA is where the sound profile can be changed/updated like firmware? Might be butchering that.) Just assumed Chord would do that too, or at least once.
I'd be curious to know what if any improvement you experience going from Node/Qutest to another streamer/Qutest combo. My guess is any audible improvement will be very minimal if any, but I could be wrong.

Have you considered any power supply upgrades for the Node?
I’m likely going for an Innuos Zen MKIII, so we shall see.

Outside of a better power cable I’ve not done anything to the Node. I did look at power supply upgrades but a bit more of a faff than I’d like.

Not sure how you feel about used gear, but if you're interested in the Aries Mini, Echo Audio is a very reputable used and new gear dealer...

Hah that’s the link I posted which I think got the whole convo started 😀
Is Chord still on their first FPGA release for the Qutest? PS Audio DACs are also FPGA, and they updated and released their coding annually I think. (FPGA is where the sound profile can be changed/updated like firmware? Might be butchering that.) Just assumed Chord would do that too, or at least once.
The article below describes how the DAVE works using its FPGA, in broad terms. The Qutest has the same architecture but with fewer “taps” to define the steepness of the reconstruction filter. The reason you are unlikely to see a software update for this is simply because the filter function works very well. The Qutest has one of the steepest filters I’ve seen, but that in itself doesn’t imply a specific sound signature.

Many DACs use FPGAs, they just don’t all use them for the same function.

@MikeH and maybe rush, but could you tell me what levels of software and especially firmware you're using on the Auralic Aries Mini? This thing has been a bear to set up to say the least. I cannot get Windows 11 to mount it as a network drive. I can import by USB, but then there are two copies of everything in the library with no way to remove it except for the remove the USB path. That means it can't be changed until I wipe the entire thing. I could just USB storage, but that defeats the purpose of buying it for me as I bought a 2TB SSD to use inside it. I wanted to be able to just toss files onto it over the network and let them copy in the background.

The manual says that you can map it as a network drive, but I keep getting 0x080070035 from Windows. It does pop up under my network. I am usually pretty decent with anything PC related and this has been maddening haha.

Edit: I just found this for Mac. Might be able to deduce something for Windows from it. After searching pretty much all

And maybe this:
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@MikeH and maybe rush, but could you tell me what levels of software and especially firmware you're using on the Auralic Aries Mini? This thing has been a bear to set up to say the least. I cannot get Windows 11 to mount it as a network drive. I can import by USB, but then there are two copies of everything in the library with no way to remove it except for the remove the USB path. That means it can't be changed until I wipe the entire thing. I could just USB storage, but that defeats the purpose of buying it for me as I bought a 2TB SSD to use inside it. I wanted to be able to just toss files onto it over the network and let them copy in the background.

The manual says that you can map it as a network drive, but I keep getting 0x080070035 from Windows. It does pop up under my network. I am usually pretty decent with anything PC related and this has been maddening haha.

Edit: I just found this for Mac. Might be able to deduce something for Windows from it. After searching pretty much all

And maybe this:
damn. sorry it's been hard to set up! I'm on a mac and remember it being really easy to set it up as a network drive...i'll PM ya.


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Dumb question. Now that I have a computer again, may dabble some with files and what not. N0 F0rmat sent me the new Piers accini and Ballake Sissoko today. All things being equal with 16/44.1 files, does it matter whether I play the FLAC or WAV file?
Dumb question. Now that I have a computer again, may dabble some with files and what not. N0 F0rmat sent me the new Piers accini and Ballake Sissoko today. All things being equal with 16/44.1 files, does it matter whether I play the FLAC or WAV file?

Not really. FLAC is compressed where WAV isn’t but it’s lossless compression so they should sound the same and FLAC has advantages in terms of metadata.
Dumb question. Now that I have a computer again, may dabble some with files and what not. N0 F0rmat sent me the new Piers accini and Ballake Sissoko today. All things being equal with 16/44.1 files, does it matter whether I play the FLAC or WAV file?
Can't say I have noticed much difference between FLAC and WAV. Like @Joe Mac said, FLAC will let you do more metadata tagging. I usually download FLAC from bandcamp.
I may have some Roon questions. I'm assuming it makes using your library easier?
It makes things extremely easy to manage and play. Does the BluSound OS not do that? I haven't used BluSound.

IMO, Roon is expensive but worth it if you have TONS of download files + Qobuz favorites. I also use the multi-room audio.

This should give you a 30 day free trial if you wanna mess around with it: ONE FREE MONTH!

Or if somebody else here has Roon and wants a 30 day extension on their sub, chime in. Mine is a lifetime sub so I don't get anything from the referral.