The National

The Austin one is interesting as that's a fairly big venue. It's the UT-Austin basketball arena. They can scale it down based on the bands but that's fairly large. It's supposed to be a great venue so I honestly might try for it too.
Thats the one I’m hitting up. Saw George Strait there last year and had a blast!
The Austin one is interesting as that's a fairly big venue. It's the UT-Austin basketball arena. They can scale it down based on the bands but that's fairly large. It's supposed to be a great venue so I honestly might try for it too.
Husband said earlier today, "maybe we should go to Austin for The Nats..." We passed on Pearl Jam who are playing two shows there in mid Sept. We did pick up PJ tix for St. Paul and Indianapolis.

Looking at their tour schedule, it appears the options for Homecoming are the last weekend in Aug through the first three weeks of Sept. Is mid Oct too cold? I have this feeling that Homecoming will conflict with one of our PJ shows. If so, see you in Cincy!
The Bearsville stream has a livestream t-shirt. I caved...
I like that Popmatters review and what they clarify about the album.

I think this really might be their most “real” record, thematically, and it does have a lot of heart despite the subject matter. The execution is so tight too. They boiled away a lot of the affect and what’s left is still so solid. IAETF did some simplification through abstraction but it was also trying a lot of hats on—this one is simple and sharp without trying to be weird or experimental. It’s just solid solid solid. #teamitgetsbetterandbetter
This live stream was truly great. If you still feel something is missing from the album (I don’t), watch the stream of the show. These songs sound even more enhanced and big live. Still loving the whole record though.
Now if someone could just rip the audio off of it and separate it into tracks… 😉

I don’t know how to do that