The National

It's coming at 12:30, which is perfect for me personally. I'll be wrapping up my day in in the classroom, getting alone time to work on other things. Also gonna cross my fingers for the big Cherry Tree store drop of the new record.
It's coming at 12:30, which is perfect for me personally. I'll be wrapping up my day in in the classroom, getting alone time to work on other things. Also gonna cross my fingers for the big Cherry Tree store drop of the new record.

Cherry tree is the one variant I'm not particularly worried about. I'm more worried about seeing if there's a super limited signed or deluxe available elsewhere
Cherry tree is the one variant I'm not particularly worried about. I'm more worried about seeing if there's a super limited signed or deluxe available elsewhere
I didn’t even think about a signed version. I know there was one that came out through Newbury Comics for IAETF but I completely missed it.
Website is updated. No Dallas date. Poop. Maybe we'll get something in between the Denver and Nashville shows. Usually we're sandwiched in there.