The NBA Thread

Not sure if anybody had the knicks vs heat in the 2nd round of the playoffs when the season began! Should be a fun series. Was hoping the Bucks would last more games so Randle could get some time to heal up...

Thibs vs Jimmy!
Knicks don't scare you? Famous last words. Cavs fans said the same damn thing.

I dont watch a lot of Cavs games these days but read up on forums and Cavs reddit frequently. It never seemed like this. Many people hated that matchup and we're hoping to somehow get the Nets or even Heat instead of the Knicks.
I dont watch a lot of Cavs games these days but read up on forums and Cavs reddit frequently. It never seemed like this. Many people hated that matchup and we're hoping to somehow get the Nets or even Heat instead of the Knicks.
I was trying to find what the Cavs record was against winning teams in the regular season today and it led me to quite a few posts on Cavs reddit saying they would beat us in 5 games before the series began. Could have just been a few random posts though. Cavs twitter also seemed to think they were going to dominate us. Seemed like hardly any NBA pundits chose the Knicks to win as well...I know that means nothing.

Everybody in the east was hoping they would get matched up against the Nets this post-season haha. People who want to get matched up against Miami don't know what Spo is capable of.
Not sure if anybody had the knicks vs heat in the 2nd round of the playoffs when the season began! Should be a fun series. Was hoping the Bucks would last more games so Randle could get some time to heal up...

Thibs vs Jimmy!
As someone who used to work for the Garden and who despises the franchise (fans deserve better), we’ll, let’s just same I’m gonna get shit this coming week in the city.
As someone who used to work for the Garden and who despises the franchise (fans deserve better), we’ll, let’s just same I’m gonna get shit this coming week in the city.
Yea--typically I'd agree. But Dolan has largely stayed out of basketball decisions the past few years and actually is letting some people who know what they are doing run the team.

He's still a completely petty asshole though. The only somewhat good thing I can say about him is that he isn't cheap when it comes to the team.

Hopefully it's a fun series. I'll never write off Jimmy (or Spo) when it comes to playoff basketball.
I know Bron has already cemented himself as Top 2 all time but if Curry can snag another title I'm not sure how you don't put him Top 5. He's the ultimate modern era player, and if we're putting Wilt and Bill Russell up there I think he needs to be considered as well.
It’s hard for me to engage Steph detractors without losing my shit. He is a god.
Curry is so good. He’s close to being on Mt. Rushmore. It’s amazing we get to see him and LeBron play each other. Might not happen again in the playoffs.

Curry is Mt Rushmore of my lifetime. And if it weren't for KD's cupcake ass, it wouldn't be a convo.

Let’s argue about KD’s legacy. Dude wouldn’t have a ring if he hadn’t hitched his wagon to a 72 win team that had already won a title (and won another won after he left). Advanced stats love him and he is undoubtedly one of the best scorers of all time but he’s also had a plethora of talent around him his whole career and is a mental midgit.

I’ll acknowledge deeply disliking the guy and that coloring some of my perception. For example, during the Hawks game 6 I was more likely to focus on Trae allowing a late game blowby will 0 defensive effort while going completely cold in the 2nd than how transedent he was in the 1st half… because I can’t stand his style of play and want him to fail. Same goes for KD’s time with the Warriors. Dude was incredible… but fuck giving him full credit considering how easy playing alongside Curry made things for him.

I’ve heard Lowe call KD top 10 all time. I’ve heard Simmons call him top 15 all-time. My hot take is that he is barely top 15 of my lifetime of watching basketball (which started as a 6 year old watching the Barkley Suns and evolved into being equal parts in love with the Shaq / Penny Magic and the bumbling Nuggets.

For sure ahead of him– Jordon, Lebron, Duncan, Curry, Kobe, Shaq.

Same tier as him- Giannis, Dirk, Kawhi, Wade, Hakeem, KD, Garnett, Barkley, Jokic (w/ apologies to Nash).

So I have him at 12 from just my time watching the sport. And I’m probably forgetting somebody and could be swayed into putting KG above him.

Now add in Magic, Bird, Russel, Kareem as definitely ahead of him and consider all the players I (and likely you) did’t watch ala Jerry West, Oscar Robinson and Wilt.

KD has just as much on the line as Jokic.
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Curry is Mt Rushmore of my lifetime. And if it weren't for KD's cupcake ass, it wouldn't be a convo.

Let’s argue about KD’s legacy. Dude wouldn’t have a ring if he hadn’t hitched his wagon to a 72 win team that had already won a title (and won another won after he left). Advanced stats love him and he is undoubtedly one of the best scorers of all time but he’s also had a plethora of talent around him his whole career and is a mental midgit.

I’ll acknowledge deeply disliking the guy and that coloring some of my perception. For example, during the Hawks game 7 I was more likely to focus on Trae allowing a late game blowby will 0 defensive effort while going completely cold in the 2nd than how transedent he was in the 1st half… because I can’t stand his style of play and want him to fail. Same goes for KD’s time with the Warriors. Dude was incredible… but fuck giving him full credit considering how easy playing alongside Curry made things for him.

I’ve heard Lowe call KD top 10 all time. I’ve heard Simmons call him top 15 all-time. My hot take is that he is barely top 15 of my lifetime of watching basketball (which started as a 6 year old watching the Barkley Suns and evolved into being equal parts in love with the Shaq / Penny Magic and the bumbling Nuggets.

For sure ahead of him– Jordon, Lebron, Duncan, Curry, Kobe, Shaq.

Same tier as him- Giannis, Dirk, Kawhi, Wade, Hakeem, KD, Garnett, Barkley, Jokic (w/ apologies to Nash).

So I have him at 12 from just my time watching the sport. And I’m probably forgetting somebody and could be swayed into putting KG above him.

Now add in Magic, Bird, Russel, Kareem as definitely ahead of him and consider all the players I (and likely you) did’t watch ala Jerry West, Oscar Robinson and Wilt.

KD has just as much on the line as Jokic.
I love this take, and I’m with you 1000%. And, I’m a Suns fan, so of course I want him to win a ring here. It would feel a little bit water down, no doubt.

We really should have fucking won two years ago and it would have been so pure and tasty.
I would have been happy for CP3 and Suns fans (Nash is one of my favorite players ever), but that run was also against a bunch of teams wracked with injuries.

And while you can only play who is in front of you, I'm hoping (as a die hard Nuggets fan) that Mal proves how much we've missed him the past two post seasons.
I have a feeling how the Nugs are basically getting zero attention and discussion about coming out of the west is going a long way toward fueling their fire.
I have a feeling how the Nugs are basically getting zero attention and discussion about coming out of the west is going a long way toward fueling their fire.

I deleted my comment right b4 you responded because I just felt it wasn't worth the risk of seeming like a shit stirrer since I think what he meant by "pure" was home grown and Scott's great people.

But this series is definitely personal to both Mal and MPJ.

Everyone acted like him being hurt was no big deal when they smoked us.

And MPJ played through a back injury he suffered in game one.. that later led to a 3rd surgery. And has been slandered for two years over it.

Should be a wild series. No doubt the Suns will punch back hard tomorrow.