The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I've never really got hooked on kraut rock, even though I have several friends who've tried to convert me throughout the years. I actually own this on CD and I have listened to it from time to time, to see if I can grow into digging it. So far to no real avail. It's not bad or anything, but I just don't feel it. I have exactly the same issue with Captain Beefheart, by the way.
I also have yet to find the charm of Capt. Beefheart but I love Krautrock. The hypnotic Motorik Rhythm is what most appeals to me. I really enjoy drone and psychedelic music and that pounding 4/4 beat just really hits for me.
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I bought the complete Dylan on CD and it was one of the best choices I made to save me space and money.
I wish I had grabbed a deal on it. Dylan is one of the discos I’d like to have all on vinyl (minus the bootleg series - fine with cd on those) I’ve had the box since it got released. Bought the Mono Beatles on CD when it was released too. (I did snag an accideal on the vinyl)
This record can never be uncool, only the listener can be uncool.

Top shelf songwriting and playing. An all-time essential record illustrating the absolute genius of Pete Townshend.

This raw footage from Jeff Stein's documentary 'The Kids Are Alright' is a sublime representation of the power of this record.

The last time Keith Moon played live with the band. Love how Pete kisses Keith on the cheek at the end of this song...

Not meaning to backtrack, but I just watched this brilliant footage again and noticed something I'd missed. At 5:34 you can see Pete pull off a fingernail damaged by windmilling with his teeth and spit it out. The result is visible at 5:52.

Rock and fucking roll.
Flu kicked my ass this week so now i need to get caught up. I've actually been meaning to check out Can so that one is perfectly timed. Also looking forward to see what I think of that Vines album modern day.
I got really excited when they repressed the vinyl a few years ago and bought it. But I hardly play it now

Ditto. I also think with these big sets that I might actually play them more often. 3LPs + is a bit daunting on vinyl in a way that a CD or 2 isn’t as much. Plus price has made it impossible to get all the series on vinyl. I’m looking to offload the ones I’ve bought and just get the CDs myself soon enough!
Ditto. I also think with these big sets that I might actually play them more often. 3LPs + is a bit daunting on vinyl in a way that a CD or 2 isn’t as much. Plus price has made it impossible to get all the series on vinyl. I’m looking to offload the ones I’ve bought and just get the CDs myself soon enough!
That is what I am thinking as well.

Anyone want to give me $45 Cdn for Rolling Thunder?
Listening to this in the best definition I’ve ever heard over headphones:
It’s Alright Ma makes me ask the same question of every Wilson Pickett recording I’ve ever heard, why don’t engineers go… “okay, could we get another take where you don’t have the microphone in your tonsils?”
My second or third favorite Dylan. Has two of my favorite songs of his (”It’s, Alright Ma” and ”Love Minus Zero”), and he pretty much changed the trajectory of rock n roll with “Subterranean Homesick Blues”, so this is definitely essential in any way you put it.
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