The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Yeah, Quicksilver Messenger Service was not really my thing. It's basically the same aversion I have towards krautrock: I can appreciate the effort and I like the overall sound, but I just don't feel it, other than a bit annoyed by the constant noodling. It's not quite as bad as hardcore prog, but almost on the same trajectory.
Initial thoughts on Eagles: Rock music without any friction or sharp edges whatsoever. Harmless. Take It Easy is a classic.
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The thing I never understood is how people like the Dan, but don't like the Eagles. They're the same formula. Some catchy radio hits, boring, overly polished, but catchy in their own way. Talented musicians in each, but I'd rather listen to a full album of noise than have to listen to more than a few minutes of either.

Edit: and I own albums by both. But a greatest hits would suffice for both too.
The thing I never understood is how people like the Dan, but don't like the Eagles. They're the same formula. Some catchy radio hits, boring, overly polished, but catchy in their own way. Talented musicians in each, but I'd rather listen to a full album of noise than have to listen to more than a few minutes of either.

Edit: and I own albums by both. But a greatest hits would suffice for both too.

Yeah I don’t like both and it’s not musicianship or talent, I think if both were a bit shit I might like them more. It’s just the complete and utter lack of a soul.
Being a recent convert to the Dan, I can say a few things here.

The biggest problem with the Eagles is that there are no deep cuts to make me want to seek out their albums. They are the epitome of a greatest hits band because that’s all that’s really worth it. Earlybird is an odd exception on this album. The rest of their non-hits range from okay like Chug All Night to miserable like Most of Us are Sad. I will say that this album, unlike Hotel California is of decent quality through out and I like countrified Eagles better than coked out rocking Eagles even if Joe Walsh is my favorite (actually Bernie may be my favorite).

The Dan bit… I think their focus on perfection gives them a bit of a clinical feel that I think turns people off but while there are some obviously catchy songs that lend themselves to mass consumption and therefore become hits… their deep cuts are as good if not in some instances better. There is also the fun of really diving into their lyrics. They are also a lot more fun to read interviews with. I’ll save my the rest of my thoughts on them for the AOTM thread though.

Thankfully, this is the last Eagles album in the book.

The book mentions that Glyn John’s said he had not been as excited working with a band in the studio since Zeppelin. I wonder if it’s worth listening to some live stuff. I think I have a copy of Hell Freezes Over somewhere.
Funny that I brought up the Manics… so I’ve worked my through Lifeblood which I love. Trying to figure out what I want to do about the solo albums as one is not available on streaming. But so far, I find their messy punk and even more poppy stuff (read Lifeblood) way more appealing than the polished stuff they do after Holy Bible. I want them to be sticking it to the man and grimy sounding.
Funny that I brought up the Manics… so I’ve worked my through Lifeblood which I love. Trying to figure out what I want to do about the solo albums as one is not available on streaming. But so far, I find their messy punk and even more poppy stuff (read Lifeblood) way more appealing than the polished stuff they do after Holy Bible. I want them to be sticking it to the man and grimy sounding.

If it’s the Nicky Wire one I’ll be fine never listening to it again. He’s a decent lyricist, average bass player and all around good guy but man his singing voice is like the neighbourhood cat choir.

Funny you like Lifeblood. A lot of Americans who came to the band later seem to. It’s the one album of theirs that I’ve never fully managed to reconcile myself with. It always felt oddly cold and detached from a band that were always blazing.

I loved Everything Must Go at the time, and still do, it was the perfect defiant comeback after Richey, but definitely agree with you on TIMTTMY. It did feel nice at the time to see the good guys conquering the charts. Know Your Enemy is an endearing overlong mess that was recently redeemed by an anniversary version that added more tracks and making it a proper double album if you can work out the logic in that!
Funny that I brought up the Manics… so I’ve worked my through Lifeblood which I love. Trying to figure out what I want to do about the solo albums as one is not available on streaming. But so far, I find their messy punk and even more poppy stuff (read Lifeblood) way more appealing than the polished stuff they do after Holy Bible. I want them to be sticking it to the man and grimy sounding.
Have you found a way to listen to Know Your Enemy since it's not on streaming? Be interested to know your thoughts since it's such a divisive album. I personally love it because it was my introduction to them.
Have you found a way to listen to Know Your Enemy since it's not on streaming? Be interested to know your thoughts since it's such a divisive album. I personally love it because it was my introduction to them.

I wonder if that’s down to geography. There were always issues with them and the states. Both the original and the anniversary versions are on my Apple Music streaming.