The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Good ranking. But Daydream Nation is NUMBER 1!
It’s number 2 for me too. Though I acknowledge it’s their best and most important album, it’s just not my personal favorite.

My list as of right at this moment:

Daydream Nation
Washing Machine
Murray Street
Sonic Nurse
A Thousand Leaves
Rather Ripped
Experimental Jet Set Trash and No Star
Bad Moon Rising
The Eternal
Sonic Youth
NYC Ghosts & Flowers
Confusion Is Sex

I just picked up a copy of A Thousand Leaves so now I own all but Their self titled and Confusion Is Sex on vinyl.
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Yup, that’s the evolution the noise sounds like actual songs with a more common song structure. If you went back a record from EVOL to Bad Moon rising it would sound a bit less polished. If you want a shock to the system, jump ahead to the Butch Vig product Dirty.
I know most of their catalog through Washing Machine. I had just not gotten to this one. I have Murray Street on cd but kind of lost track of them somewhere along the way. Maybe if I ever finish working my way through the Manics catalog, I’ll do a similar thing with their’s. I have Gordon’s book in my to read pile.
I know most of their catalog through Washing Machine. I had just not gotten to this one. I have Murray Street on cd but kind of lost track of them somewhere along the way. Maybe if I ever finish working my way through the Manics catalog, I’ll do a similar thing with their’s. I have Gordon’s book in my to read pile.
Still blows my mind the Kim is older than my mom.
I remember picking up Double Nickels after some guitar mag listed it as one of the best "alternative rock" albums of all time. This was in the early 90s when the mainstream was still trying to figure out what the hell was going on with rock n' roll in the wake of Nirvana. I was pretty disappointed at first though as this was pretty far from what I anticipated from "alternative rock" at that moment (meaning it didn't sound like Nirvana, Sonic Youth or Pearl Jam). It grew on me pretty quickly though, and it's one of those albums that defines that early 90s era for me today, even though it was released a decade before.