The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

My initial knee jerk reaction was do I have to?

I have never listened to Badly Drawn Boy knowingly or by choice.

When I pulled it I was listening to Lil Wayne for the first time by choice after Questlove made me think differently about him. I’m still not sure it’s for me, but I can see why some folks like.

Anyhow, there is more prejudice here, I guess as I’m not real sure I have ever heard any of this cat’s music or where exactly my prejudice comes from.

So here’s to whichever jackass picked this and listening with open ears.
My initial knee jerk reaction was do I have to?

I have never listened to Badly Drawn Boy knowingly or by choice.

When I pulled it I was listening to Lil Wayne for the first time by choice after Questlove made me think differently about him. I’m still not sure it’s for me, but I can see why some folks like.

Anyhow, there is more prejudice here, I guess as I’m not real sure I have ever heard any of this cat’s music or where exactly my prejudice comes from.

So here’s to whichever jackass picked this and listening with open ears.
I really enjoyed this album when it came out and the soundtrack to the Movie About A Boy that he followed it up with. It’s fun. Reminds me of 70s pop but some electronic intermixed.

Semi related Side note: just yesterday I stumbled across one of the old GAP ads from the 90s. The one with a bunch of young attractive young people sitting around in corduroy singing Donavan’s “Mellow Yellow”, Those commercials were great. They had another featuring a bunch of young attractive people swing dancing to Brian Selzer Orchestra. And another one with Willie Nelson and Ryan Adams wearing Denim while singing “Move It On Over”. It was an excellent campaign.

Anyways, it was one of those GAP ads that actually initially introduced me to Badly Drawn Boy. They used “The Shining” in a Holiday ad that made me want to buy a cozy wool sweater and The Hour of Bewilderbeast.

I noticed that they don’t even advertise GAP clothing on TV anymore, just much less enthralling Old Navy ads.
I haven't listened to this album (or Badly Drawn Boy) in a long time. But I own all of his albums up to Born in the UK on CD and it is a solid output of brilliant song crafting. But the debut was such a great shock to the system and one of the albums that ushered in the new millennium for me. It still holds up really well too!
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Man, I'm down in the rabbit hole now. Those years around the turn of the millennium was transformative for me in many ways, (turning 25, finding true love/getting my heart broken, going to the university, having my first real job, strong friendships that have faded since etc), and listening to this brings out a lot of bittersweet memories. So much truly great music released in the span 1999-2001 too! I think I'm gonna make a playlist and then maybe call some old friends I haven't talked to in long time...
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Echo the above. A really solid album that slight overstays its welcome. I feel this album slimmed down to a 40min lp length and it would be an absolute classic.
That reminds me of the time that I saw Badly Drawn Boy and it felt like the longest show I've ever seen. It wasn't even a particularly good show. He was kind of grumpy and after he ended his set he remembered a bunch of songs that he wanted to play so he just played them.