The Super Thread - All Things Marvel/DC/Etc

Back from 4 days at Comic Con. Did not make it to the big Marvel Panel - people started lining up for that ~36 hours before Marvel took the stage. I heard the Guardians trailer they played there (but aren't releasing online) was amazing, and had the Flaming Lips "Do You Realize?" as the music. Saw Kevin Smith & the Clerks cast just after the Marvel Panel let out, and it was great (as Kevin always is there).

Did make the Marvel Animation panel where they covered the Marvel Zombies, X-Men '97, and What-If Season 2 on (plus others) which was pretty cool.

Somewhat subdued from years previous - they never put new tickets on sale after 2020, so I think they intentionally deflated the attendees by not reselling tickets for those who got refunds the past few years. Everyone for the most part followed the Covid protocols, including masking inside which was much appreciated.

Got a few exclusives from Mondo - exclusive pressings of The Batman Soundtrack, Dune Sketchbook (expanded version of the soundtrack), and Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2. I'll post some pics in the Fresh Grabs thread in a bit.

Also made the Paper Girls panel - they had the full cast there, and I thought it looked great. Really looking forward to watching it in a few days. And as a bonus, spotted Brian K. Vaughn and Cliff Chang on the show floor the day after the panel, and my Paper Girls obsessed daughter was thrilled to get a picture with them. They couldn't have been nicer.

Now that I've had a chance to digest all the Marvel Phase 4/5/6 news, I have some thoughts.

Initial reaction was basiclly "Yea this seems about right". We're getting Thunderbolts like expected, though that is certainly an interesting choice to endcap a phase (Though it's not like Marvel hasn't had underwhelming phase-enders...looking at you FFH).

Having 2 Avengers movies in one year is exciting. Very surprised the next film isn't simply called "The New Avengers", to cash in on people like me who grew up with the Bendis Avengers reboot in the mid 00's and get excited just hearing that name. What I don't love is Destin Daniel Cretton as the directing choice. Short Term 12 is one of my favorite films, but everything after that just feels more bloated, polished, and boring. While Shang-Chi wasn't bad I felt that it had the most egregious CGI of any Marvel movie, and signing him up to direct the next tentpole Avengers film while Marvel studios is getting killed for their VFX work in the news just seems like really really bad timing.

Very suprised we aren't getting a Young Avengers film or series before Secret Wars. If anything they're introducing so many possible characters that I thought we'd be getting a huge bloated team, but now we might be getting nothing? If Secret Invasion introduces Teddy Altman they'd have to though.....right? Apparently the Ant Man 3 trailer they showed SDCC attendies features Cassie Lang as Stinger/Giant-Woman; yet another YA founder.... Maybe "The Kang Dynasty" will introduce Iron Lad and we'll get the team that way, since Iron Lad is just a teenage Kang who steals Stark Tech in an attempt to subvert his predetermined future and be a hero. But we'll have Ironheart by then so maybe not.

Surprised we didn't get more FF info, at least a new director. Very happy Jon Watts is off the project, he just feels like the entirely wrong choice. Would love to see a more daring risktaking director helm the project, but this is Marvel we're talking about here so probably not.

Okay that's probably enough ranting so I'll stop. Cautiously excited for the future of Marvel.
Finally watched the second Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movie the other night. Honestly I liked it a little more than the first one but that's really one of the only positive things I have to say about it. Just not a fan.

Also did a rewatch of Homecoming in the meantime, which has held up better than I thought it would! It makes me wish the MCU had stuck with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man (with some help from Stark) angle for a couple of movies rather than immediately getting him involved in the Thanos stuff. I like that it's not a movie revolving around a cosmic threat or anything and focuses more on Peter's double life. Tom Holland is really good in the role and the guy that plays Ned cracks me up. Michael Keaton as Vulture is a severely underrated MCU villain performance too.
Hooo yeah you guys were not kidding about Love and Thunder. Woof, what the hell happened there. I laughed like... once? Maybe Taika has spread himself a little thin as this point. That came off like it was written by a team a junior writers who saw Ragnarok and thought "Let's do that except ZANIER." Wasn't true to the characters that have been established in the previous films at all.
Hooo yeah you guys were not kidding about Love and Thunder. Woof, what the hell happened there. I laughed like... once? Maybe Taika has spread himself a little thin as this point. That came off like it was written by a team a junior writers who saw Ragnarok and thought "Let's do that except ZANIER." Wasn't true to the characters that have been established in the previous films at all.
Co-sign. I watched it this weekend and had the same reaction. It lacked any depth or development of the characters from where they were. And the emotional conclusion wasn't emotional because they dumped it on a tray of cheese and cheap shiny things.
Hooo yeah you guys were not kidding about Love and Thunder. Woof, what the hell happened there. I laughed like... once? Maybe Taika has spread himself a little thin as this point. That came off like it was written by a team a junior writers who saw Ragnarok and thought "Let's do that except ZANIER." Wasn't true to the characters that have been established in the previous films at all.
Maybe it was people shitting on it but it exceeded my expectations. I quite enjoyed it. The whole thing felt like it was a parody. I thought Zeus stuff was fun and that Asgard turned into a tourist trap and the Screaming goats and the play and pretty much all of Waititi’s Korg. The Kid that wanted to change his name to Axl and the kids from Asgard being imbued with the power of Zeus. Even the fact that Christian Bale felt like he was the villain in a completely different movie with how deeply invested he was in the role. It was nothing weighty but it is a Marvel movie. It’s where I turn off my brain and enjoy the ride.

Maybe you all just think more of the MCU than I do in general because L&T felt to me like a continuation of Ragnarok. It was not as unique as the original but it felt like a sequel.
Gonna have to rewatch Love & Thunder. I remember being put off by the number of Guns & Roses jokes. Immigrant song worked perfectly in Ragnorak, but I remember feeling like they dialed that joke up to 11 in L&T.

Just (finally) finished Ms. Marvel, Loved it. Starting with She Hulk now.
It lacked any depth or development of the characters...
We want very different things out of the MCU.

If I can watch the whole movie without looking at my phone I consider it considered a good flick, if it has a few moments of awe or genuine comedy that is a fantastic bonus. I think maybe I grade most MCU (and all the other Disney franchise properties) on a curve.
Maybe it was people shitting on it but it exceeded my expectations. I quite enjoyed it. The whole thing felt like it was a parody. I thought Zeus stuff was fun and that Asgard turned into a tourist trap and the Screaming goats and the play and pretty much all of Waititi’s Korg. The Kid that wanted to change his name to Axl and the kids from Asgard being imbued with the power of Zeus. Even the fact that Christian Bale felt like he was the villain in a completely different movie with how deeply invested he was in the role. It was nothing weighty but it is a Marvel movie. It’s where I turn off my brain and enjoy the ride.

Maybe you all just think more of the MCU than I do in general because L&T felt to me like a continuation of Ragnarok. It was not as unique as the original but it felt like a sequel.
I don't feel like I think very highly of the MCU, and I did like the goats in this movie. I just thought it should have been more than a series of one liners that often fell flat. I rarely criticize any of them because I'm more of the turn brain off have fun attitude too. But Morbius and this didn't do it for me, although this one was at least shiny.

Ms. Marvel was the best, She-Hulk is getting better, but these two movies weren't well thought out imo.
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We want very different things out of the MCU.

If I can watch the whole movie without looking at my phone I consider it considered a good flick, if it has a few moments of awe or genuine comedy that is a fantastic bonus. I think maybe I grade most MCU (and all the other Disney franchise properties) on a curve.
I want enough plot to keep me from looking at my phone. This didn't have that for me. Not that I think these are masterpieces or anything close to that, but I do want more than flashing lights for entertainment.
We want very different things out of the MCU.

If I can watch the whole movie without looking at my phone I consider it considered a good flick, if it has a few moments of awe or genuine comedy that is a fantastic bonus. I think maybe I grade most MCU (and all the other Disney franchise properties) on a curve.
I mean I'm pretty open to whatever with Marvel, it's popcorn fare. But this one was a straight up comedy and I only laughed once. So that's not doing it for me personally.