The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

Actually, I'm not clear that the 1300G actually outperforms the 1200G. I've not seen any measurements to that effect yet. The 1000R still is clearly at the top of the performance heap, even considering the newer motor/controller designs.

Competing in the $10K - $20K bracket soon becomes more about aesthetics than pure performance. There could be space between $5K and $10K that could leave room for a dual-arm version of the 1200G or 1300G.
the 10R is the only one I really covet.
Luckily for me, it's so far out of price range that it's just easier for me to not covet. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome. But I tend to have an easier time moving on from the idea of a piece of gear when it's just painful to imagine what I would need to give up to get there. And the type of system I would need to support justifying it. I can imagine myself spending $10K on a table (all in, including cartridge). Not at the moment, but that feels like a more realistic future.

But realistically by the time the 10R becomes a functioning turntable, then you're looking at probably closer to $20k minimum. That's when I can easily shift to "I'd love to experience that" instead of "I'd love to own that."
Luckily for me, it's so far out of price range that it's just easier for me to not covet. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome. But I tend to have an easier time moving on from the idea of a piece of gear when it's just painful to imagine what I would need to give up to get there. And the type of system I would need to support justifying it. I can imagine myself spending $10K on a table (all in, including cartridge). Not at the moment, but that feels like a more realistic future.

But realistically by the time the 10R becomes a functioning turntable, then you're looking at probably closer to $20k minimum. That's when I can easily shift to "I'd love to experience that" instead of "I'd love to own that."

Yeah totally although I still think you can do as well, or better, and definitely better looking, for less using custom plinths and other arms. But still way beyond my budget. But I love the idea enough that I’m looking at the older examples now 😂. The 1300G is probably much more likely given practicalities and price though.
Yeah totally although I still think you can do as well, or better, and definitely better looking, for less using custom plinths and other arms. But still way beyond my budget. But I love the idea enough that I’m looking at the older examples now 😂. The 1300G is probably much more likely given practicalities and price though.
Yes, for me the big draw that keeps me thinking about Technics is by far the ease of ownership. I just greased the bearing and ordered a new belt for my Ultradeck because the pitch shift from speed variations became pretty audible.

Not a huge deal, but took away from the records I was playing that evening, been going back and checking speeds again, cost of a new record to replace the belt, and that won't arrive for another few days. And I just think about how a 1200g could have avoided all of that.
I think surrounding equipment is a major factor here. Plug in a G and an R to a $10-20k system, entry level MC cart, and $1-2k phonostage, probably walk away saying you could barely tell the difference.

But do the same test with flagship 6 figure system, a $10k+ cartridge, etc… I bet you feel like the R is a pretty obvious choice.

Things like that aren’t made for normal people, lol
I think it's more about having a system that is already above or near $100K and not wanting to have a "plebian" $4500 turntable to hold a $5K+ cartridge. Optics matter to the people who spend that much, especially when you're chasing diminishing returns in performance. The measured performance of the 1000R is only marginally better than that of the 1200GAE in Hifinews. Believe that the engineers at Technics measure *everything* to the nth degree.
The 1300G and the increase in price with the GR2 felt more like "price ladder" stuff than anything else. Same reason the 100/1500 were introduced. I think they're comfortable having a "rung" on the ladder at every price point under $4k. Not sure they would mass-produce a ~$5k+ table.

1200G2 seems like a safe bet if for no other reason than to "streamline" production capacity. But with the uncertainties around the market, I doubt that there's much being released any time soon.
I think it's more about having a system that is already above or near $100K and not wanting to have a "plebian" $4500 turntable to hold a $5K+ cartridge. Optics matter to the people who spend that much, especially when you're chasing diminishing returns in performance. The measured performance of the 1000R is only marginally better than that of the 1200GAE in Hifinews. Believe that the engineers at Technics measure *everything* to the nth degree.

You do also get to that point where something is just very good and to make even the most marginal gains ends up costing more than it’s worth in any cost/benefit analysis. But then people with disposable incomes often like the best and biggest and shiniest option regardless of that.
Gotta say...too much agonizing over a turntable....
Just so hard to justify upgrading from a AT-LP120XUSB to an matter the want.
Too many better ways to spend that least for now.
So for will be either an SL1500 or 100C
Going into it as it being a "bridge contract", so to speak.
In three years, will re assess at which time the 1300 will have been out a few years and well, who knows...maybe they make a G(2) without the mess.
Leaning 100C as i do not need the phono stage and 10% off at technics and well, could not care less about what cartridge comes with either as i already have better on hand.
Gotta say...too much agonizing over a turntable....
Just so hard to justify upgrading from a AT-LP120XUSB to an matter the want.
Too many better ways to spend that least for now.
So for will be either an SL1500 or 100C
Going into it as it being a "bridge contract", so to speak.
In three years, will re assess at which time the 1300 will have been out a few years and well, who knows...maybe they make a G(2) without the mess.
Leaning 100C as i do not need the phono stage and 10% off at technics and well, could not care less about what cartridge comes with either as i already have better on hand.
At that price point, the U-Turn Theory is worth a look, too.
Gotta say...too much agonizing over a turntable....
Just so hard to justify upgrading from a AT-LP120XUSB to an matter the want.
Too many better ways to spend that least for now.
So for will be either an SL1500 or 100C
Going into it as it being a "bridge contract", so to speak.
In three years, will re assess at which time the 1300 will have been out a few years and well, who knows...maybe they make a G(2) without the mess.
Leaning 100C as i do not need the phono stage and 10% off at technics and well, could not care less about what cartridge comes with either as i already have better on hand.

Barring the phono stage the 100 and 1500 are the exact same table. So if you don’t need the phono and don’t have an absolute need for silver the 100 is the way to go. I also prefer the cartridge on the 100, especially once you upgrade the stylus, the AT higher profile styli sound much better to my ears than the 2M, especially for the money.
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Barring the phono stage the 100 and 1500 are the exact same table. So if you don’t need the phono and don’t have an absolute need for silver the 100 is the way to go. I also prefer the cartridge on the 100, especially once you upgrade the stylus, the AT higher profile styli sound much better to my ears than the 2M, especially for the money.
Yeah, went with the 100C.....was going black any way i went.

Styli i have:
Currently on the AT i have the VM540ML
I have a VN760SLC that i needed a new stylus for as the one i had got damaged (me being dumb story)
I also have a VM N 95 C and E - one came with the AT table...the other i had on the old SL1800 (i think), not sure where it came from.

Next move will be a MC at some point to play with different sound.....I have a Cambridge Duo phono pre I am not using as it was used when i had the Marantz AV amp and with the Hegal 190v i am using their phono stage

Hence with money saved on the table i can play a bit down the line.
Yeah, went with the 100C.....was going black any way i went.

Styli i have:
Currently on the AT i have the VM540ML
I have a VN760SLC that i needed a new stylus for as the one i had got damaged (me being dumb story)
I also have a VM N 95 C and E - one came with the AT table...the other i had on the old SL1800 (i think), not sure where it came from.

Next move will be a MC at some point to play with different sound.....I have a Cambridge Duo phono pre I am not using as it was used when i had the Marantz AV amp and with the Hegal 190v i am using their phono stage

Hence with money saved on the table i can play a bit down the line.

Yeah and you could, if you wanted, invest the savings in the few little things that could lift the sound like an improved mat like the funk firm apm or the kab tonearm damper or better isolating feet.

From everything I’ve seen and read that’s a really nice starting point of a turntable that has a good amount of stretch as it takes little tweaks and upgrades really well.

A buddy of mine is having some issues with his SL 2900.
The platter seems to be off center and scraping like in this:

Any clues on what should be checked or potential fixes?
