This Time It's Personal: The November 2023 Record Challenge Thread

November 17
“So I was looking at our credit card bill... It says you spent $(redacted)?! That was for just ONE record?!”

What record takes the prize for most money spent on a single album? State your case, justifying why this was necessary but we won’t judge. You’re safe here.

I can't think of anything beyond box sets that I spent a lot of money on, so this one comes to mind first. I bought it on RSD and was asking myself in line; do I really need this? But I kept it in the stack. I believe it was 56 bucks.

November 18
(Enters record shop, owner behind counter looks up and immediately gives out a sigh of frustration upon seeing who has just walked through the door. The smell of aged vinyl fills your nostrils and your eyes are already burning from the dust and cigarette-smoke infused record covers)

What’s your favorite/most surprising find that you’ve purchased from your favorite record store (local to you or not). Give the store a shout out! What do you love about this shop?

I'll approach this one a little differently. I got this Neil record at the local-est local I have, it's a mere 1/2 mile from my house.
It's called Finders Keepers and they have vintage clothing, jewelry, artwork, band paraphernalia and lots of used vinyl. They usually have a bit of hard to find stuff, priced appropriately high. But I almost always find really clean classic rock albums to add to my collection, and they tend to be fairly priced. So while this wasn't my very favorite find, it was my most recent purchase from there.

November 20
“Oh yeah, I remember them! Didn’t they break up years ago?”
Play one of your favorite artists that is way overdue for releasing a new album, or that you would love to get back together. What album sold you on this band/musician in the first place?

The Walkmen – You & Me

One of my all time favorite bands. I saw them a handful of times before their "extreme hiatus". They reunited in 2023 for a global tour, and I was lucky enough to catch them twice here In Portland. Amazing shows, hard to believe they took 10 years off from playing together. In any case, now that they *are* playing together again, the next step is a new album. Heaven was released in 2012!

You & Me remains their best album, in my humble opinion. It never gets old and it malleable enough to fit so many moods.

November 21
So today, it’s not about you. It’s about me, because it’s my birthday. You have a few options:
  • Play something that you think I’d love
Daniel Norgren – Live

First and foremost, happy birthday @Wes C. Attle! If I owned some Mudhoney, I would likely spin that for the W. Seattle connection. Which begs the question, why don't I own any Mudhoney on vinyl? (off to check the various sales). I digress...

I took a glance at your discogs...given the overlap in our collections, I'm going to guess that you are not terribly familiar with Daniel Norgren. His music is not necessarily a huge revelation, given that he isn't really breaking any new ground. That said, he plays with tremendous depth and soul, and somehow manages to channel Americana in all the best ways (it's worth noting that he is a Swede). His live show is truly special, so I am spinning his live album. Give it a stream if you haven't heard it yet – but know that it really shines on vinyl. Also including a video from when he played Pickathon for the first time. I watched this show while standing next to Bob Boilen (and yes, chatting him up a bit). It's a simple song, a quieter one, but damn good.

In any case – you might dig, you might not. Either way, happy birthday!


November 21
So today, it’s not about you. It’s about me, because it’s my birthday. You have a few options:
  • Play something that you think I’d love
Daniel Norgren – Live

First and foremost, happy birthday @Wes C. Attle! If I owned some Mudhoney, I would likely spin that for the W. Seattle connection. Which begs the question, why don't I own any Mudhoney on vinyl? (off to check the various sales). I digress...

I took a glance at your discogs...given the overlap in our collections, I'm going to guess that you are not terribly familiar with Daniel Norgren. His music is not necessarily a huge revelation, given that he isn't really breaking any new ground. That said, he plays with tremendous depth and soul, and somehow manages to channel Americana in all the best ways (it's worth noting that he is a Swede). His live show is truly special, so I am spinning his live album. Give it a stream if you haven't heard it yet – but know that it really shines on vinyl. Also including a video from when he played Pickathon for the first time. I watched this show while standing next to Bob Boilen (and yes, chatting him up a bit). It's a simple song, a quieter one, but damn good.

In any case – you might dig, you might not. Either way, happy birthday!

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Great recommendation, thanks! I remember listening to Wooh Dang years back and liking what I heard, but I can’t tell you why I didn’t go back to it, although I’ll bet it was during a vinyl diet period, during which I will usually try to talk myself out of pursuing new artists to avoid buying their entire catalog.
November 18
(Enters record shop, owner behind counter looks up and immediately gives out a sigh of frustration upon seeing who has just walked through the door. The smell of aged vinyl fills your nostrils and your eyes are already burning from the dust and cigarette-smoke infused record covers)

What’s your favorite/most surprising find that you’ve purchased from your favorite record store (local to you or not). Give the store a shout out! What do you love about this shop?

The owner of my local shop, Reanimated Records, is a big Nick Cave (and horror movie) fan. I hadn't spent a lot of time listening to Nick but the sheer volume of releases that he had displayed got me chatting with him, and we started a infrequent "buy this Nick Cave next" conversation that we get into when I visit the shop. While my latest album (Dig, Lazuras, Dig) came via @Yer Ol' Uncle D and his excellent VMD Mach II thread, it started with this one from my buddy over at Reanimated.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds ~ Let Love In

November 19
Them: “You’ve got to listen to this. It’ll change your life!” (watches for reaction, smile slowly grows)
You: (puts other headphone on): “… uhh, yeah, I’ve heard this. It’s... it's just the ‘Happy Birthday Song?”

The Needles & Grooves forum (and the VMP forums before it) have introduced me to numerous new artists that I certainly would have never heard of without it. Play a record that you own only because you heard of it from N&G.

This ones easy! This was way out of my listening area at the time, but saw enough mentions of it to pick it up and get led down a Dilla rabbit hole.

J Dilla ~ Donuts

November 21
Me: “Me, me, me, me, me!”

So today, it’s not about you. It’s about me, because it’s my birthday. You have a few options:
  • Play something that you think I’d love
  • Play something that you know I love
  • Play an artist that shares this birthday with me
  • Play an artist from my hometown (I’ll accept Seattle but you’ll receive a digital high-five if you can be more specific with Tacoma, WA)
  • Play an artist from my current area of residence (Alabama or Florida)
Brian Ritchie was also born on this day!
Happy belated!

Violent Femmes - S/T

November 20
“Oh yeah, I remember them! Didn’t they break up years ago?”

Play one of your favorite artists that is way overdue for releasing a new album, or that you would love to get back together. What album sold you on this band/musician in the first place?

Hard to believe that its been 12 years since this release. Hoping he's got another one in him.

Tom Waits ~ Bad as Me

November 22
“Dad, what do you cherish most?”
“Well, you, of course. And your mother. And my butcher cover copy of the Beatles’ Yesterday and Today.”

If your house was on fire, after saving your family/friends/roommate/humans/pets, you have time to grab only one record before you’re out of there. Which one is it and why-erm, “Bay City Rollers,” you say? What the hell?

Tough one, might change from one day to another.
Today it'd be this one:

Talking Heads- Fear of Music


Shocking, I know...

EDIT: I'll be away for the next few days, hopefully I'll be able to catch up when I return.
November 21
Me: “Me, me, me, me, me!”

So today, it’s not about you. It’s about me, because it’s my birthday. You have a few options:
  • Play something that you think I’d love
  • Play something that you know I love
  • Play an artist that shares this birthday with me
  • Play an artist from my hometown (I’ll accept Seattle but you’ll receive a digital high-five if you can be more specific with Tacoma, WA)
  • Play an artist from my current area of residence (Alabama or Florida)
Alex James of Blur was also born on November 21!

Blur ~ Parklife

November 18
(Enters record shop, owner behind counter looks up and immediately gives out a sigh of frustration upon seeing who has just walked through the door. The smell of aged vinyl fills your nostrils and your eyes are already burning from the dust and cigarette-smoke infused record covers)

Meshell Ndegeocello – Pour Une Âme Souveraine A Dedication To Nina Simone

I used to work across the street from my local, so I was in there 5-10 times a week for awhile - I pretty much knew the whole store stock like the back of my hands. Until I discovered the bins of unsold stuff that had been pulled from the main bins to make room for new stock. The ones in the jazz section were mostly the dross you would expect to find down there, but then I came across a sealed copy of this or original retail, which was half or less what was being asked for the cheapest copy on the 'cogs at the time. Regardless of that fact, Meshell Ndegeocello paying tribute to Nina Simone would be an automatic yes for me in any circumstance. The CD copy that came with this lived in my car's CD player for MONTHS after this pick-up.
November 18
(Enters record shop, owner behind counter looks up and immediately gives out a sigh of frustration upon seeing who has just walked through the door. The smell of aged vinyl fills your nostrils and your eyes are already burning from the dust and cigarette-smoke infused record covers)

Meshell Ndegeocello – Pour Une Âme Souveraine A Dedication To Nina Simone
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I used to work across the street from my local, so I was in there 5-10 times a week for awhile - I pretty much knew the whole store stock like the back of my hands. Until I discovered the bins of unsold stuff that had been pulled from the main bins to make room for new stock. The ones in the jazz section were mostly the dross you would expect to find down there, but then I came across a sealed copy of this or original retail, which was half or less what was being asked for the cheapest copy on the 'cogs at the time. Regardless of that fact, Meshell Ndegeocello paying tribute to Nina Simone would be an automatic yes for me in any circumstance. The CD copy that came with this lived in my car's CD player for MONTHS after this pick-up.

Oh, I forgot to shout them out. My local is Ditch Records & Tapes - They don't really have a website and only rarely post on Facebook (they did some video flips of new stock during the pandemic so people could order for curbside pickup but beyond that, it's mostly their RSD stick list the day before). It's definitely staffed by young hipsters, the old guard has mostly moved on, but the vibes are good and they get a lot of cool shit.
November 19
Them: “You’ve got to listen to this. It’ll change your life!” (watches for reaction, smile slowly grows)
You: (puts other headphone on): “… uhh, yeah, I’ve heard this. It’s... it's just the ‘Happy Birthday Song?”

The Faint – Wet From Birth

I've discovered TOO MUCH goodness to fully track, thanks to this forum. One of my favourite corners is the N&G AOTM, where I've discovered many new favourites along the way. This was @scotthilk's pick the first time he curated and is perfectly in the vibe that I want around the house right now!
November 22
“Dad, what do you cherish most?”
“Well, you, of course. And your mother. And my butcher cover copy of the Beatles’ Yesterday and Today.”

If your house was on fire, after saving your family/friends/roommate/humans/pets, you have time to grab only one record before you’re out of there. Which one is it and why-erm, “Bay City Rollers,” you say? What the hell?

I'll go with the release that re-started my record collecting. Got it at a Pearl Jam show Preparty / Fundraiser with a $5 raffle ticket so I naturally had to get a turntable to play it. And then a better amp. And then better speakers. And then more records. And then even better equipment. And even more records. In retrospect, it may not be the deal I thought it was.

Pearl Jam ~ Ten Super Deluxe

November 20
“Oh yeah, I remember them! Didn’t they break up years ago?”

The Roots – How I Got Over

A year ago we were told that End Game, their final album, be released this year... but no signs yet as we fast approach 10 years since their last album was released. I've been rolling with them since Do You Want More?!!!??! and have loved the whole journey so far - I'll always be down for more, whenever that might happen.
November 21
Me: “Me, me, me, me, me!”

Kathryn Calder – Kathryn Calder

Hope your birthday was awesome!

I assume you'd love this, given you're a fan of The New Pornographers and Kathryn is one of their ilk. My favourite of the bunch, in fact!
I've never seen The New Pornographers live, but I've seen Kathryn a few times - even shared a bill with her once. She's an absolute delight.
Day 22: “Dad, what do you cherish most?”
“Well, you, of course. And your mother. And my butcher cover copy of the Beatles’ Yesterday and Today.”

Realistically, I’d be pacing around for too long trying to figure out which record to save and the smoke inhalation would eventually kill me. I have so many great & valuable records I wouldn’t be able to choose just one. So I won’t.

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River


Part of their Studio Albums Collection box set. Such a fantastic set by one of my favourite bands!
