Vinyl Me, D - A Free Record Club

I had a feeling Bette Smith would make the biggest impact out of this batch but not because the other two aren't great; I figured chances were slim y'all were familiar with her and there are few things better than getting smacked upside the head by a stellar artist you've never heard of.

February's record should ship sometime first week of the month. It'll be arriving via @Ethos99 and Paladin.

Here's your clue...

I had a feeling Bette Smith would make the biggest impact out of this batch but not because the other two aren't great; I figured chances were slim y'all were familiar with her and there are few things better than getting smacked upside the head by a stellar artist you've never heard of.

February's record should ship sometime first week of the month. It'll be arriving via @Ethos99 and Paladin.

Here's your clue...

View attachment 164722

Wait, the Bad Santa soundtrack doesnt look like that! 🤔
I had a feeling Bette Smith would make the biggest impact out of this batch but not because the other two aren't great; I figured chances were slim y'all were familiar with her and there are few things better than getting smacked upside the head by a stellar artist you've never heard of.

February's record should ship sometime first week of the month. It'll be arriving via @Ethos99 and Paladin.

Here's your clue...

View attachment 164722

Two immediate thoughts:

1. "Sideshow By The Seashore" is a track from Luna's "Penthouse" album. However, that's probably not the album. You have all of our discogs and would have seen it on at least one of our pages... Definitely mine, I know that
2. Googling terms like "neon carnival" or "electric carnival" caused search results for EDM and other electronic music festivals... For some reason I doubt that is where we are heading, even though I wouldn't say no.

I don't know, but whatever it is I am looking forward to it!
The fact that I just listened to Cowboy Junkies for the first time and my immediate thought was, "wow, I think this is my favorite" , which has been my reaction after listening to each of the 3 records from this month, speaks wonders for the high bar of quality of this last package.

That cover of "Don't Let It Bring You Down" was 🔥🔥🔥. Love the original. Love this one.

It does get a little slow on the backend, but overall the standouts outshine the rest.

3 distinct personalities. 3 ladies who are a definite welcome in my collection. 3 records that will continue to see more spins for the foreseeable future.
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Two immediate thoughts:

1. "Sideshow By The Seashore" is a track from Luna's "Penthouse" album. However, that's probably not the album. You have all of our discogs and would have seen it on at least one of our pages... Definitely mine, I know that
2. Googling terms like "neon carnival" or "electric carnival" caused search results for EDM and other electronic music festivals... For some reason I doubt that is where we are heading, even though I wouldn't say no.

I don't know, but whatever it is I am looking forward to it!

I absolutely love Luna.

Not the right choice, but as a consolation prize, here's a song from my recording the last time I saw them in honor of your excellent taste.

It's a pretty smokin' capture. Play it loud...

I had a feeling Bette Smith would make the biggest impact out of this batch but not because the other two aren't great; I figured chances were slim y'all were familiar with her and there are few things better than getting smacked upside the head by a stellar artist you've never heard of.

February's record should ship sometime first week of the month. It'll be arriving via @Ethos99 and Paladin.

Here's your clue...

View attachment 164722

February record has shipped via our main man @Ethos99 and Paladin Records. He's a good one and y'all should buy records from him.

Any guesses other than @MadLucas (he was wrong but his taste is top shelf) based on the above clue? I may have a record of some sorts to send to the first to make a correct stab.