Vinyl Me Please Essentials

Hot Sauce Committee was a Beastie album I've actually never heard before. Thanks to this discussion I'm about $50 lighter.
Nice! I need that and The Mix Up to complete my studio album collection. I also would like to pick up this…
For no other reason than I love the album art.
Hot take:
1. Hello Nasty
big gap
2. Paul’s Boutique
3. License To Ill
4. Ill Communication
big gap
5. Check Your Head
Haven’t listened to anything else

I'm not mad about seeing Hello Nasty at the top of that list.
It's been pretty great to see the diversity of opinion with their discography. My big takeaway is that it's all worth a listen, and I've really been enjoying diving in.
Hot take:
1. Hello Nasty
big gap
2. Paul’s Boutique
3. License To Ill
4. Ill Communication
big gap
5. Check Your Head
Haven’t listened to anything else
If you take out the “big gaps” I would have no qualms with this list, any of those 5 in any order is completely reasonable to me. For me the difference in quality between these 5 releases is super tiny.
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If you take out the “big gaps” I would have no qualms with this list, any of those 5 in any order is completely reasonable to me. For me the difference in quality between these 5 release is super tiny.
100% I absolutely love Hello Nasty and even considered putting it at the top of my list, but it runs in a tight circle with Paul's Boutique, Ill Communication, and Check Your Head.
If you take out the “big gaps” I would have no qualms with this list, any of those 5 in any order is completely reasonable to me. For me the difference in quality between these 5 releases is super tiny.

I’ve been super obsessed with both Paul’s Boutique and Licensed To Ill at different points in my life. I wore out my cousin’s Licensed To Ill cassette when I was in middle school in the mid 90s. I wore out my Paul’s Boutique CD when I discovered that in high school. Ill Communication was one of the first CDs I ever bought as part of either BMG or Columbia House - the highs on that are great, but there’s a lot of stuff I skipped too. I never got into Check Your Head.

My ranking is more based on what I have the urge to listen to these days, and Hello Nasty is the only one that really does it for me. And that’s more recent, after revisiting it within the last couple years after not listening to much Beasties in many years.
Nice! I need that and The Mix Up to complete my studio album collection. I also would like to pick up this…
For no other reason than I love the album art.
There's some guy on FB marketplace that's actually selling quite a large BB collection including this in the US. Probably not worth it vs buying it off discogs alone but for anyone looking to start, and pretty much complete their Beastie collection all in one go then that's the place to search.
I'm also skeptical, but that would be cool and grab a ton of attention.

If they did in fact score the Beatles, don't you think they wouldn't be slinging these $150 store credit offers all over the place? That's my main reservation.
IF they were to do it. Still a big IF:
I wonder if they'd do a 2LP coloured release to coincide with a boxed set, for those that don't want to drop surely $75-$200 on a 4+ LP release (I'm assuming here they'll do multiple versions of the box set).

If so, I'm going to give them massive props for the balls it took to pull it off.
I'm actually starting to think they may have pulled it off: September announcement (ROTM announcement month), starts with B, 1966 Essential. Probably wanting to make a huge splash before opening up their pressing plant and drive up subscribers....something like this would be huge for them.
Does this hold any weight in anyone's opinion?

It does say official announcement coming in September, which is when the next 3-month ROTM list comes out. I could see VMP trying very hard to keep this under wraps until they can announce it.