Vinyl Me Please Essentials

I now have too many copies of this album. I still need to do proper comparisons, I generally end up listening to the album rather than comparing. But the Japanese pressings, I think could be as good as or maybe even slightly better than the Mofi. They do sound slightly different, system & personal preference may come into play. The Japanese pressings are much much cheaper than Mofi.

Someone on Cogs called 'Great horse' is saying they are all shit, He's only reviewed these titles. I suspect he's a flipper and has a bunch of Mofis. The packaging, pressing & sound are great on all the ones I have.

(someone in the UK is selling a copy for £25)

I have the Japanese Dylan reissues above aside from Freewheelin’. They sound fantastic. I have not A/B’d BoB vs my mofi yet and I need to…. But for what it’s worth they sounded good enough to me to pass on seeking out HW and BIABH Mofi stereo copies.
Curious to see what, if anything, is different or a potential upgrade for the october essential over the plangent one?

edit: description: Nebraska, the massively influential 1982 album from Bruce Springsteen, is the VMP Essentials Record of the Month for October 2022. Celebrating the record's 40th anniversary, our edition is half-speed mastered by Barry Grint at Alchemy Mastering at AIR and pressed on exclusive Black Smoke vinyl, with an art print by Justin A. McHugh.
Just FYI, but TT is $31 in the store, which is probably below the price of your sub. I'd swap for credit and use it to purchase later.
There’s also that and blu, but I can get a standard pressing of that for $25. Extremely underwhelming month. May be getting just interpol this month since I opted out last month
Curious to see what, if anything, is different or a potential upgrade for the october essential over the plangent one?

edit: description: Nebraska, the massively influential 1982 album from Bruce Springsteen, is the VMP Essentials Record of the Month for October 2022. Celebrating the record's 40th anniversary, our edition is half-speed mastered by Barry Grint at Alchemy Mastering at AIR and pressed on exclusive Black Smoke vinyl, with an art print by Justin A. McHugh.

It’s going to be LOUD then…

The standard black one I picked up as an RSD first about a decade back was a bellers so this makes the decision not to renew even easier…
Think that’s the plangent processed one that was broken out from the box set. It’s awesome. Think I PIFed my OG after comparing them
Yeah, that Volume 1 box sounds amazing, so not sure I really need another version of this… I’m trying to de-duplicate my collection as much as possible already (…unsuccessfully… 😂)
Man, I’m not sure about Nebraska. I may wait until the reviews come in because I’m skeptical of VMP’s version being better than the plangent reissue.
Not a bad direction to go. I'm personally getting it (don't have a copy yet), but this will at least be around for a few months. Worst case scenario, it's great and you grab it when they put it in the store midway through October (which is inevitable).
Man, I’m not sure about Nebraska. I may wait until the reviews come in because I’m skeptical of VMP’s version being better than the plangent reissue.
I love the album but not even really considering it since I have the box/plangent already. no room on my shelves to double dip so typically when I'm happy with a pressing I have, I stop seeking out minimal potential upgrades.
Never got into Bruce, tried numerous times and it never clicked. Tried again with Nebraska last night and it still doesn't click.

I love the Beastie Boys but am happy with my current copy and would only jump on the VMP version if it's just a colour version of the boxset that just came out...

As for Bobby D... another one that never clicked with me...

Not a very good stretch for me personally but that's ok, I can just spend that money on filling holes in my collection!