The minute that you ignore the personal and political lives of the artists and just enjoy the music (assuming the music doesn't contain any strong abrasive political stuff) then the happier you will be. I don't care what Ted Nugget, Kane West, Eric Clapton, Phil Spector, Van Morrison think or do in their own lives (especially those old guys who are grumpy old men now). But I enjoy the heck out of their music and focus on that, because there is none of that dramatic nonsense to be found in the art typically. Some people read the headlines and can't separate music from the personal lives of these guys and I can respect that, but that's just my philosophy. I think it's dumb to not touch someone like Kanye as a reissue label just because he's a sensationalist, attention-seeking probably pretend racist with fame/personal issues, yet they have no problem putting out Miles Davis music over and over (who was known to beat the hell out of women). Double standards. Just listen to the tunes and ignore their real life personal drama.
Of course there are lines, I can understand not selling or buying the license to use stuff from child rapists like Gary Glitter obviously.