Unknown Member
Yeah the lack of an answer to the overselling part of the question indicates to me there is definitely reason for concern...
Yeah the lack of an answer to the overselling part of the question indicates to me there is definitely reason for concern...
Hope you get your copy!
Fair point yep. However I'm still going to be over here tapping my foot and shooting side eye at VMP... watching... waiting...He didn't not answer that part of the question. He hasn't responded to any of the questions (yet). He "replied" to his own response as a way of giving more context to his original response. Let's not let our unfamiliarity with reddit's format have us jumping to conclusions.
I am a little concerned that my essential swap is closed but my R&HH swap is still open.
Yea my Outkast is still open for swaps. Jesus. Been a 3 sub guy since I joined a year and a half ago so I don’t get it.
"Rap AND Hip-Hop"? It just sounds like someone's grandpa saying the kids these days with the rappin' and the hippin' and a hoppin'. I mean rapping isn't really separate from hip-hop and vice versa.
View attachment 4698
Carry on.
Out of curiosity I clicked the link. I signed up and swapped out of Outkast. My swaps are closed. When I hit this link it says "you've got this." I'm sure it's just basing that off of my subs, but...Good lookin’ out
swaps are closed and OutKast is listed in my pending orders. I’m also holding out hope that I’m one of the lucky (if lucky is defined as actually getting what I already paid for) ones to get Weyes Blood. Here’s hoping this month goes smoothly....
My swaps are closed, order pending. Business as usual so far.
I'm not mad at them breaking their "no more represses" rule, which I don't think was ever meant to be a hard and fast rule to begin with. I am a little surprised they didn't think it'd sell out this quickly when typical RHH and Classics pressing numbers are pretty small compared to Essentials.
I'm glad they decided to repress this. Means they should have enough to replace the warped one they are going to send me...
Just got an email saying i'm not getting my Outkast. Mind you, I have been a Rap and Hip-Hop member since nearly the beginning. If anyone should be first serve it should be those like me. I am astounded and pretty darn grumpy.