Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

I just snagged one from Germany. But I know it was a Rainbo pressing and there's definitely more than a few people on Cogs saying they've got noise. My Euro 2LP RTJ1 sounds incredible. Very impressed with it.
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Yes the RTJ1 is really excellent. It sounds absolutely amazing. I'm happy you've picked one up. The sounds on the record are so good and realistic, at some point it felt like someone was indeed knocking on my door, when it just was on the record haha. 🎶👀💜 I think it's among my best sounding records.
I won’t be able to check swaps til I’m off work. Unless there is a blackalicious in there, I think I’ll cancel. I just don’t have the connection to this album that would make it something I need to own. Not that I don’t like it but I’ve been working on weeding out my vinyl collection to have only albums that will get spin after spin. This one will end up like Camp Lo where it got two spins in a years time and then ended up in the PIF thread
Aww hey look, Storf doesn't do himself any favors with his social media uhh, attitude... but c'mon, i don't think he's a bad dude. Picking albums every month that like 30,000 subscribers will all like is a thoroughly thankless job. There's no winning that battle. In my opinion, the biggest problem with VMP is their systems. In terms of ROTMS and tracks and options per month there isn't a single other record of the month club that even comes close in terms of options per month or transparency of mastering and pressing details... I mean there just isn't. Sure they are an ABSOLUTE disaster in terms of shipping and fulfillment but when you look at the fact that they are trying to come up with THREE albums every month that 30,000 people will want... that's nigh on impossible. I really hope they get their systems sorted but in my opinion their acquisitions team is incredible. When you're talking about getting the licenses to press various artists and albums, that shit isn't easy and man if they don't nail some seriously huge releases, pretty frequently. Look I don't have De Stijl yet, and it pisses me off. But they actually convinced Jack White, who owns a massive pressing plant, to allow them to press arguably HIS most famous album and that is honestly some impressive shit. Yeah the prices are getting high but find me another ROTM club that puts out pressings that rival Analogue Productions or Mofi pressings on a monthly basis. As far as I know, unless you're spending hundreds a month, there isn't one.
How did you know how to 110% explain my vmp feelings better than I ever could 😢
I gave it a quick once over and a for an album that came out in 96 I think the production sound s awfully dated. It isn’t doing too much for me so far. I got a few days to decide but right now it seems like the type of album I would talk myself into but then never listen to beyond an initial spin.
I just did the same thing thinking I somehow had overlooked some hidden gem from my teens. I hadn't and the 3 mics rating is totally fitting. It's a bunch of generic and formulaic boom bap beats that were probably discards from the actual classic albums that year. The lyrics and flow are super basic, even for that era and none of the features do anything to redeem a single track IMO. Don't hate myself for listening to it, but I will definitely be canceling my month to month subscription as I would never spin it. The color variant of it is nice looking however.
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