Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Especially considering that it’s only a matter of time until VMP fucks up something for the “naysayer” and he will be on there in a couple month complaining himself.

Who among us, upon seeing three others begging for resolution to their valid complaints from a company on social media, wouldn't raise their hand to say, ""not me, not me, it's never happened to me", in the hopes of helping them feel better?

I will never understand people.

I'm still waiting for my AP Miles Davis that I placed an order for on April 7. Nothing in Informed Delivery. I've hit their DMs on Twitter and IG, and replied on their Twitter feed today.

I can't fathom why people with legitimate concerns/complaints get buried.

EDIT: I guess should expand. I made this order entirely with store credit; not a dime handed over. Perhaps that's why their seeming ambivalence towards this order continues, I have no leverage to ask for a refund/PayPal chargeback.
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I'm still waiting for my AP Miles Davis that I placed an order for on April 7. Nothing in Informed Delivery. I've hit their DMs on Twitter and IG, and replied on their Twitter feed today.

I can't fathom why people with legitimate concerns/complaints get buried.

EDIT: I guess should expand. I made this order entirely with store credit; not a dime handed over. Perhaps that's why their seeming ambivalence towards this order continues, I have no leverage to ask for a refund/PayPal chargeback.

I did the same except I used credit for the AP Pet Sounds and after they told me it was backordered (despite the fact you could still buy it and it says ships in 3-5 days) today they told me because I bought it on the 27 April it will ship in the same cycle with all the record of the months... most likely getting credit back vs a record I think!
This is a new advertising tactic and attempt to move product for this box set that nobody is buying because it's way too expensive and we will give a portion of the proceeds to charity...

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While I appreciate any effort to help and give to charity this feels more than a little insincere if they are only going to donate a portion of specific LPs sales on albums that they are having a tough time moving. Why not do a portion of all sales for a given day or week or month. I get this album featured “Greatest Love Of All” but come on. Ah well something is better than nothing I suppose.
While I appreciate any effort to help and give to charity this feels more than a little insincere if they are only going to donate a portion of specific LPs sales on albums that they are having a tough time moving. Why not do a portion of all sales for a given day or week or month. I get this album featured “Greatest Love Of All” but come on. Ah well something is better than nothing I suppose.
Agree fully. Donating to charity is awesome. Donating an amount that isn't specified and only on a $70 box set that nobody is buying is a weird flex...would have been a cool move if they donated some proceeds of albums people are actually buying...
While I appreciate any effort to help and give to charity this feels more than a little insincere if they are only going to donate a portion of specific LPs sales on albums that they are having a tough time moving. Why not do a portion of all sales for a given day or week or month. I get this album featured “Greatest Love Of All” but come on. Ah well something is better than nothing I suppose.

How many of those rainbow VMP logo shirts do they have left? Maybe it's time to turns those into masks.
How many of those rainbow VMP logo shirts do they have left? Maybe it's time to turns those into masks.
I was just going to suggest this. Yes they are doing something, but really it is the bare minimum. Hell if they did something like donate $10 from each new 3 month membership, I would re-sign up. Better yet, just let people add on a top up donation to a group of charities. That really costs VMP very little.

I find corporations that do just the bare minimum tend to look shittier than if they did absolutely nothing, but that is just my opinion.
Yeah! So many artists strongest pieces of work have been when they were under the influence! 🤯

I know I’ll do it all one day, just none of my close friends don’t do it/don’t do it anymore!
Yeah I gotta say, one of my favorite activities is smoking weed and putting on a record. Really puts the music on the microscope and your brain can interpret it in such a different way. If the music was made while under the influence I find you can grasp it more clearly! It’s also just a good time. The creation of music I feel has always been linked with the psychedelic experience and it’s nice to dive into from time to time! I suggest that as your icebreaker to weed. Pick a record and light up!

Fun Fact: I once listened to the entirety of To Pimp A Butterfly on LSD and it changed my life. That record is an odyssey.
Yeah I gotta say, one of my favorite activities is smoking weed and putting on a record. Really puts the music on the microscope and your brain can interpret it in such a different way. If the music was made while under the influence I find you can grasp it more clearly! It’s also just a good time. The creation of music I feel has always been linked with the psychedelic experience and it’s nice to dive into from time to time! I suggest that as your icebreaker to weed. Pick a record and light up!

Fun Fact: I once listened to the entirety of To Pimp A Butterfly on LSD and it changed my life. That record is an odyssey.
As someone who has been a heavy cannabis user in the past and still dabbles from time to time, my experience is that the moment is fleeting, whatever it is that you're doing while under its influence, and then difficult to remember afterward anyway so... what was the point? Everyone has their own experiences I suppose. For example, I did LSD once and watched myself "aging" (I really thought this was happening visually) in the mirror for a few hours and then just wanted it to stop. I was a mess mentally for weeks afterward and never touched the stuff again.
As someone who has been a heavy cannabis user in the past and still dabbles from time to time, my experience is that the moment is fleeting, whatever it is that you're doing while under its influence, and then difficult to remember afterward anyway so... what was the point? Everyone has their own experiences I suppose. For example, I did LSD once and watched myself "aging" (I really thought this was happening visually) in the mirror for a few hours and then just wanted it to stop. I was a mess mentally for weeks afterward and never touched the stuff again.
I see what you mean, but I also use that same philosophy of the moment fleeting to just hang out and enjoy the experience of listening to this record I’ve become so familiar with in a new setting! Don’t do it too often though but living in California it happens from time to time hahaha. As for LSD I’m in a similar boat, haven’t touched it in a loooong time. 12 hours of intense altered states is just too long. Can’t guarantee you’ll stay in a great headspace for that long so I feel it always ends up spiraling out at some point