Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I'm late to the party on this but this is the guy who followed me around for a couple weeks on discogs and posted under several of my comments that I was a soy boy for complaining about them just throwing that Microphones boxset loose in a cardboard box, damaging most of the cases and then telling us all to pound sand. I thought it mighta been Phil for a minute there 🤣
Think we need to fire up a posse and chase him around Discogs. But I am pretty lazy and that sounds like too much work
Think we need to fire up a posse and chase him around Discogs. But I am pretty lazy and that sounds like too much work
I don't know how he has the energy. I replied once to him and then just reported him and discogs deleted my comment and his, but he's still there doing his thing. No wonder AI bots they train online all turn into abusive sexist bigots.
I don't know how he has the energy. I replied once to him and then just reported him and discogs deleted my comment and his, but he's still there doing his thing. No wonder AI bots they train online all turn into abusive sexist bigots.
Yeah, once you connect AI to the internet it's game over.
Don't know if it's true, but some guy I saw tried to install an AI into a smart microwave and it's first act was to literally try and kill the creator.

I'm late to the party on this but this is the guy who followed me around for a couple weeks on discogs and posted under several of my comments that I was a soy boy for complaining about them just throwing that Microphones boxset loose in a cardboard box, damaging most of the cases and then telling us all to pound sand. I thought it mighta been Phil for a minute there 🤣
I once blocked a guy on Reddit and he created 7 (SEVEN!) more profiles so he could keep up his sad attempt of being an internet bad ass. The best part was each time I blocked his new profile he got more pissed. I am pretty sure the dude’s head exploded or he would still be at it.
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I'm late to the party on this but this is the guy who followed me around for a couple weeks on discogs and posted under several of my comments that I was a soy boy for complaining about them just throwing that Microphones boxset loose in a cardboard box, damaging most of the cases and then telling us all to pound sand. I thought it mighta been Phil for a minute there 🤣
Well you'll be happy to know that a few weeks back I deleted about 13 of his comments and every time I see he's added a new one if it's got any rudeness at all to it I delete that too. He's going to be a very polite little boy from now on whether he likes it or not.
I once blocked a guy on Reddit and he created 7 (SEVEN!) more profiles so he could keep up his sad attempt of being and internet bad ass. The best part was each time I blocked his new profile he got more pissed. I am pretty sure the dude’s head exploded or he would still be at it.
My life is pretty boring I think, but at least I don't have enough time in the day to resort to stupid crap like this
I once blocked a guy on Reddit and he created 7 (SEVEN!) more profiles so he could keep up his sad attempt of being and internet bad ass. The best part was each time I blocked his new profile he got more pissed. I am pretty sure the dude’s head exploded or he would still be at it.
Honestly one of my favorite things to do in facebook arguments is say "OK" and then click the "do not recieve reply notifications on this post". if i remember, which is definitely not a sure thing, I'll go back a week or two later and enjoy the lather they work themselves into after I stopped responding and occasionally will drop another "OK" in after that. it is so satisfying. very, very occasionally I will wish someone "have a day as kind and lovely as you yourself are"
Oh I know, I've been periodically deleting them. Then he just copies and pastes them back. But knowing that he's checking like, hourly to make sure I haven't deleted them before he immediately pastes them back makes it even better. I just sent in notice to delete a few more after leaving them for a week. He's going to have to keep checking hourly for the next couple of years, this is what I do while I'm eating breakfast...
I'd like to see you go up against my wife. Ha ha.