Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Hey there who's the new guy? I like the cut of their jib!

-suddenly notices "Dry Cleaning" van with large satellite dish parked out front of house-

Whoa now easy there Karl Marx this is America we don't tolerate that kind of thinking here! Go back to Uzbekistan or California or wherever you come from with these clearly destructive pinko ideas!

I was a Poli Sci major in college, I had a doctoral student for a professor for a 200 level class who called me the Pinko Commie. It was a term of endearment really to me, because 90% of the class were hardcore Republicans.
@jamieanderson1968 @TCell

Now look what you've done, we're fighting Canuck against Canuck. How is our giant fan wildfire smoke screen take over America plan supposed to come to fruition if we can't work together? I went to Walmart and bought like a SHITLOAD of desk fans like we'd agreed, pretty much broke now. Did you guys go get the giant funnels and the pool noodles? YOU BETTER HAVE
It is all part of the plan. We look like we are fighting and then BAM!! We unleash the beaver army
I don't know what's going on, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to sit here and accept any form of Toronto slander. We pay good money to live here and pay really good money, to accept any guff from you peasants. We have earned the right to complain about ridiculous vinyl prices while living in $4k/mo 1.5 bedroom condos.