Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

People think just because it is a vinyl record, they can charge stupid prices. Even artists with who have next to no following are over charging but certainly VMP and others are extremely guilty of it. I wonder how much VMP makes off each record they sell?
every step along the way seems to have gotten more expensive. licensing is more, cutting AAA from copy tapes seems more expensive than it was a few years ago. then companies on top of that are squeezing as much as possible from people while the vinyl bubble is here. $40 for AAA and a nice jacket seems like the new norm sadly. hoping it goes down at some point but have a hard time imagining it will for the "quality" releases.

I know times change but I remember when the government sued the music industry over price fixing on CDs because they were overpriced (but still under $20).
Initially new vinyl in between $20 and $30 was okay since it was a bit of a niche market but $50 for a single LP is silly. There are very few instances where that price makes sense.
it does kinda seem like the companies who regularly charge $40 for a single LP do collude with each other a bit. anytime one raises their prices, the other raises prices within a few weeks to match the new price.

it's gonna be really interesting to see if/when VMP raises their prices again. you'd think it might be smart with their own plant opening to lower prices a bit and get more customers in....but I'd have a hard time seeing them (or most other companies) do that.
every step along the way seems to have gotten more expensive. licensing is more, cutting AAA from copy tapes seems more expensive than it was a few years ago. then companies on top of that are squeezing as much as possible from people while the vinyl bubble is here. $40 for AAA and a nice jacket seems like the new norm sadly. hoping it goes down at some point but have a hard time imagining it will for the "quality" releases.

it does kinda seem like the companies who regularly charge $40 for a single LP do collude with each other a bit. anytime one raises their prices, the other raises prices within a few weeks to match the new price.

it's gonna be really interesting to see if/when VMP raises their prices again. you'd think it might be smart with their own plant opening to lower prices a bit and get more customers in....but I'd have a hard time seeing them (or most other companies) do that.
I am so tired of late stage capitalism. They will squeeze every last cent out of everyone they can, they will either make even more money. Eventually they will be purchased by WEA, Sony, or Disney or they will all over estimate and go bankrupt, where all the people that drove the company into the ground will be protected and use all their money to start some other startup where they can start the cycle all over again.
I am so tired of late stage capitalism. They will squeeze every last cent out of everyone they can, they will either make even more money. Eventually they will be purchased by WEA, Sony, or Disney or they will all over estimate and go bankrupt, where all the people that drove the company into the ground will be protected and use all their money to start some other startup where they can start the cycle all over again.

THIS and it is everything sadly, not just vinyl. Meanwhile I'll likely get a 2% raise if I am lucky.
I guess we could do something radical and control the means of production
Hey there who's the new guy? I like the cut of their jib!

-suddenly notices "Dry Cleaning" van with large satellite dish parked out front of house-

Whoa now easy there Karl Marx this is America we don't tolerate that kind of thinking here! Go back to Uzbekistan or California or whatever country you come from with these clearly destructive pinko ideas!
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Hey there who's the new guy? I like the cut of their jib!

-suddenly notices "Dry Cleaning" van with large satellite dish parked out front of house-

Whoa now easy there Karl Marx this is America we don't tolerate that kind of thinking here! Go back to Uzbekistan or California or wherever you come from with these clearly destructive pinko ideas!
Um... something you want to tell us "canadalandian?"
Hey there who's the new guy? I like the cut of their jib!

-suddenly notices "Dry Cleaning" van with large satellite dish parked out front of house-

Whoa now easy there Karl Marx this is America we don't tolerate that kind of thinking here! Go back to Uzbekistan or California or wherever you come from with these clearly destructive pinko ideas!

I was a Poli Sci major in college, I had a doctoral student for a professor for a 200 level class who called me the Pinko Commie. It was a term of endearment really to me because 90% of the class were hardcore Republicans.