Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

This reminds me a bit of the trading card “collectible” market in the later stages. Sports cards initially became collectible due to scarcity but as cards became a popular collectible and more cards were produced and people took better care because of the potential value cratered so they started producing manufactured scarcity by first making rare card series of limited quantities but eventually over time those cards barely held value either. Now they are at a point where they are offering cards with pieces game worn jerseys, etc

It’s trading cards are not something that people trade anymore and are now almost exclusively collectible items. vinyl releases like this are designed with much of the same idea behind it. It’s can be played but it’s more designed to look nice on shelf.

That is fine for the most part as long as they are still making records that are meant to be enjoyed which for now still seems to be the case.

Also, maximizing the prices for this type of release takes a big night out of secondary market resale value. I am sure some people will try to flip these but at this price point the flipping margins become a lot slimmer and likely less appealing. More money in VMP pockets.

It always cycles. Sports cards had a big resurgence the last few years but as you said the print runs are going crazy high again.

As usual it comes down to buy what you like.
Or you could wait 9 to 12 months and pick them up for half price. The Beatles are always popular but never as popular as retailers think they are.
Cheapest I’ve seen the Abbey Rd deluxe for is £80 ish. This Alicia Keyes isn’t a kick in the arse off that. I think it’s actually priced in line with the market but the market is pretty grim. I’m tipping more into holding my nose and getting the VMP 3 lp than not at the minute (which I appreciate the irony of given my barbie box tantrum)

I also didn’t think their ATCQ was horrendously priced all things considered and that took some serious effort to stay clear off. Bad times if your listening preference is vinyl though.
Genuinely gutted when I saw the price. Was about to get all over this. Now it’s a sleep on it for a night and see how I feel tomorrow job.

It’s not a million miles away from the cheapest I’ve seen the revolver box going for. In todays market it actually just about might be about right.

Same, I love Alicia Keys and love this album. Just can't spend that money on it. Soon in swaps I suppose?

Was a big FOH from me when I got to the price.
Was a big FOH from me when I got to the price.
It’s a modern day nightmare.

Again uk centric but it’s £100 (or just under) that’s horrible for sure but only as horrible as every other triple I’ve a passing interest in. So I’m not sure the issue is the price of this box set. I think it’s the price of every box set 😂
Any news on whether there will be a price increase for 2024? Tempted by the 12 month with $80 referral code, averages out to about $18 a pop. Debating whether I want to wait until tax season to sign up.
Not sure about a price hike but I believe the bonus albums offer ends the end of this year.
Not sure about a price hike but I believe the bonus albums offer ends the end of this year.
Any news on whether there will be a price increase for 2024? Tempted by the 12 month with $80 referral code, averages out to about $18 a pop. Debating whether I want to wait until tax season to sign up.
A price hike would guarantee me not renewing. They are at the upper end of what I am willing to shell for a regularly priced item. Honestly, this would be fine… it’s not like I need more records.
Any news on whether there will be a price increase for 2024? Tempted by the 12 month with $80 referral code, averages out to about $18 a pop. Debating whether I want to wait until tax season to sign up.
they say no price hike is planned, but places always say that. i believe they just said the bonus record deal will be available to people re-subbing in January as well but will check and circle back. edit: they said today on discord: "We are allowing renewals in January to select bonus records "

that $18/album price takes into account the 8 free bonus records for signing up for a year using the referral. without it the price goes up quite a bit.