Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Ah yes, the contest where you have to buy something to win something.

Ah yes, the contest where you have to buy something to win something.

Here's the no purchase necessary form

Here's the no purchase necessary form

Hey did you guys hear! VMP is doing an awesome giveaway and ANYONE can join! Oh man I can't wait to get in on this, it's gunna be so fun! Boy howdy this is just the thing to really kick off the holiday spirit!

-reads fine print-

Oh, oh god no. Not again, not this time...

-slowly walks into lake-
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The Vinyl Me, Partons (some of them at least) are now available to non-members. I don't think I realized that they are charging $10 shipping to non-members. Also had to pay a higher non-member price ($48). With tax, a single LP came out to $60. I used store credit, but still, $60. I should have my fucking head examined.
Non member pricing is all to entice you to become a member. the price difference is crazy especially with the shipping!
Not sure if this has been suggested already but anyone fancy 'buddying up' on the referral credits scheme in a "you click mine, I'll click yours" kind of way? I'm an international member so it potentially works out even sweeter for my buddy...
If you are an international member you get the international referral rate even if the person who signs up is US based.
This code is meant for veterans, first responders and active military.
Surely VMP isn’t dumb enough to put out a code meant for a very specific group of people without some sort of verification step that’s easily attained….

I mean do they know how the internet works? People are not going to follow those rules. Not saying I’m condoning it, but information like that will spread without context so fast on the internet circles.