I don't know how they advertised it but I didn't see anything on it other than here, and I personally don't think it matters but I didn't use it only because there wasn't anything I wanted right now.
But I very strongly don't think a company should rely on customers explaining the rules of discount codes on the internet. Not saying at all that it's wrong to explain or speak on someone's feelings about it, just that VMP should have just explained what it was and who it was for on their website, or sent user specific one-time use codes if that was their intent. That's their responsibility and to think otherwise is odd to me regardless of the impetus for this one which clearly touches on folks' political beliefs and feelings, so it's obviously going to be a bit touchy.
I think my own take probably pisses some off, but I have a ton of veterans for students and live by a massive VA where a lot of the folks who use the community food bank my wife works at across the street and I volunteer at are veterans, so I deal with a lot of related issues because I talk to vets nearly every day. And I'm not saying at all that people shouldn't get to enjoy themselves and that the thought of this isn't "nice," it is nice that they did it. But veterans and first responders who actually need help in this country are too broke or broken to pay their bills and get medical care, they aren't really going and buying records. So to me, this just isn't even a thing worth getting stressed or upset over. Get upset about the homeless vets and the tax breaks that rich folks get which could be funding housing for them. Get upset about the first responders with cancer who go bankrupt with medical debt.
And just cause this is the internet and tone doesn't come across well, I don't think anyone here has been rude or a jerk about it and this isn't meant to be directed at anyone on here, just me sharing my thoughts. I respect
@MikeH sharing his thoughts on this too, even if mine are a little different.