Well-Known Member
Really unsure why NO reissue labels seem to be regularly reissuing UK acts. I sort of get it with VMP--they are a US-based company and I'd bet that their subscriber base is largely American. With my wife being a Brit, it's funny to see the types of UK bands that made it huge here or the US bands that made it huge in the UK. Lots of stuff I would have never expected crossed over.It all kinda plays into it though and even with something that is subjective having a main player, or a small group led by a main player, things get stale and samey. More so when that main player has some pretty strong opinions that don’t always have the strongest rationale behind them.
I’d love a club this size to have more female voices and even more voices with older or non US focuses. And by old I don’t mean boomers, there’s enough of that everywhere, but that big 80s and 90s period that seems to often fall between all the vinyl cracks. Hell even an Anglophile would probably radically transform their curation and Britain is probably the second most powerful player after the states in terms of producing lots of acts and recorded music.
I'd love to see more UK bands as well though and more 80s. Are there any UK reissue labels focusing on 80s/90s UK bands? Maybe I'm just not aware of them. Even in the US, 80s and 90s stuff is still pretty ignored in the reissue game. Intervention has tried to do a bunch but they are the only audiophile type label I know that tries to hit that niche which is a shame. Don't really understand the reasoning behind it.