Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Idk it seems like their choice was to have 1,000 moderately pissed off customers or 500 SUPER pissed off customers. At least this way the piss is evenly distributed. I don't have a dog in this fight so doesn't matter to me, but I can kind of understand the logic (if this is in fact what happened and their stated reasoning isn't just BS)
Idk it seems like their choice was to have 1,000 moderately pissed off customers or 500 SUPER pissed off customers. At least this way the piss is evenly distributed. I don't have a dog in this fight so doesn't matter to me, but I can kind of understand the logic (if this is in fact what happened and their stated reasoning isn't just BS)
I mean we are speculating at how many customers there were for this. But I’d rather have less pissed off customers than more every time. Goal should be none. Recently they are just hit after hit after hit.
think the booklet is just pointless. They keep struggling to make it work but I think it will get tossed aside soon enough.
I say this as one who liked the Booklets when I was a subscriber and liked the bandbox zines but the decision to put big Booklets into everyones box might be more coming from a position of pride and overrating the values of their literary output than from a clever Business standpoint. I had the impression here or with bandbix ge Booklets/zines were not a Solling point for many people so with the magazine they add cost and logistics issues. I guess it feels better for the writers to get their stuff published in a physical Format butvi would think gettingvthaat out as a pdf to subscriber would be the cleverer way. As I said, I liked those Booklets and store them with the records but if it is a magazine that is not specific for the record it would probably get tossed even by me. I don't know I'd the wrimprovedthat much that it warrants keeping the zine. On the shelf
I say this as one who liked the Booklets when I was a subscriber and liked the bandbox zines but the decision to put big Booklets into everyones box might be more coming from a position of pride and overrating the values of their literary output than from a clever Business standpoint. I had the impression here or with bandbix ge Booklets/zines were not a Solling point for many people so with the magazine they add cost and logistics issues. I guess it feels better for the writers to get their stuff published in a physical Format butvi would think gettingvthaat out as a pdf to subscriber would be the cleverer way. As I said, I liked those Booklets and store them with the records but if it is a magazine that is not specific for the record it would probably get tossed even by me. I don't know I'd the wrimprovedthat much that it warrants keeping the zine. On the shelf
When they start saying there are shipping delays because of "printing the listening notes" CANCEL YOUR SUB!!!