Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

the club wont get cheaper... but we will get more store drops for country... elton john coming in march (GYBR or tumbleweed connection)... they are thinking of adding a track just for swaps. the issue was that record labels just didn't want to be the 2nd biggest sub... the classics label is changing because its hard to explain to labels... i referenced the meme of "more time" and storf got a little angry
They are struggling.

Bad executive over-extended and diverted money into a pressing plant venture that a very small company like VMP simply has no business doing.

People were clamoring for new tracks like country and rock, but listening to voices online is not a reliable gauge of market support. Country - particularly old school country - is quite niche to vinyl. Rock was not necessary.

And people complained, and complained, and complained - about anything and everything. Over a year ago I commented that the people demanding repeated replacements on minor or cosmetic issues just drive up costs for everyone else. VMP tried, but now they have come to the end of the line where they just can't sustain that. They can't keep paying for free replacement shipping, no kidding. People are spoiled by Amazon - no problem, restrict buying to Jeff and Lauren. VMP is no Amazon.

I have to admit that I have been swapping for credit more than picking up from any track this year. I have July Joni and Alice, but nothing appeals in August or September on any track. If Q4 is similarly unexciting, I may be out as well.

Too bad. I have to say that VMP has been nothing but first rate to me. I have only received a couple of records that I asked for a replacement, and truth is, neither was a big flaw. Shipping has been perfect. Pressings have been superb. QRP is closed to outside orders, RTI is full up on BN/Universal, Pallas has declined to third rate status, Optimal is pretty full up as well. They could have gone to Memphis or some other shit plant, but they did their best - GZ isn't the worst by far.

There are a fair number of records in my collection from VMP that are absolute all star prized titles, and I am grateful to VMP for doing them. There will aleays be some who don't care for a title, just as I don't care for some. Part of the problem VMP is trying to solve is finding a way to make most people happy with something every month - and that is a tough job.

The 17 people working at VMP must feel pretty low every day with what gets written about them and their co-workers online all the time. It's really sad. Storf's not a guy making $100k a year, he's just a fan working in the biz trying to make a decent living. He's not paid for the personal attacks he gets - over records??

I hope this retrenching is a success. I would be saddened if VMP were to fail, and it would leave quite a hole in my vinyl buying. I wouldn't trade the VMP Roberta Flack, or the VMP Tyner-Trident for a dozen of Chad's Verve, Pablo, Contemporary etc. titles that are safely curated to appeal to a narrow, but solid, audience. At least VMP has balls.
Amazing post. I agree with pretty much every word.