Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Craft and Rhino are record labels. They market products and when purchased, ship them direct or I can purchase them at storefronts that distribute them. If I have a customer service issue, I either call the record store or contact the label directly if my issue is credible and the labels' fault.

VMP via subs asks for money upfront for unidentified, curated product and has to deal with all customer service issues from the fidelity/pressing itself to the shipping/return issues. This requires more commitment from both the subscriber and VMP's customer service.

In my mind, VMP's subscriber program costs puts more skin in the game for the consumer and therefore, more questions get asked and expectations are higher.
Well put. I had the same thoughts but didn't feel like typing all that out, lol.
Regarding transparency, where is the line between what they should and should not communicate?
I think the bigger issue is that transparency was promised and then the face of the company staff went off line for a couple of weeks. Then a lot of things that were unusual started to happen with no information. During this same time certain avenues of information that have been in place with the company for years no matter the platform has been restricted with promises of a better communication process moving forward.

They are certainly allowed to set parameters in what they will and won’t discuss. That would be transparent. It would certainly be a beginning.

I will also say this, I find it troubling that a company buddies up with their clients making promises and then when these promises are not followed through on … there are people that would make it seem like the clients, who asking about what’s up and then theorizing on what is up when answers are not forthcoming, are somehow doing something wrong.

This company has created a lot of bad blood and often times with folks who were their biggest cheerleaders (I know from personal experience - there are people here who can vouch that I was pretty much Nathan minus all the emojis - and it’s the reason this place exists. And just to be clear, the people make this space what it is and these people were in the old space which the company found to be problematic to them. This is the same thing that has happened at Reddit and is currently beginning to happen in the discord.). I can understand you liking the company and their product. I get the wanting the little guy to succeed but there is a clear pattern here.

And also to be clear, I am voting with my wallet. I do not plan on making any other purchases from them or renewing when my sub ends. I’m actually waiting to see what the new rotms are for the next three months and may ask them to refund the rest of my sub if I’m not sure I will be served well by that quarter.
I am on the same board.
Me too with added swap credit. I’ve even swapped b4 the extra $15 dollar offer, probably one of few times I have not added some cream to this 1 year subscription- so I can take that miss haha
My plan is to empty the account just before Sub ends on 1st Jan. Regardless of whether I may want the record I may just pick a few I know friends may want or I can sell on easily.
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@Joe Mac are you still looking for recommendations of albums for swaps? Which stuff have you picked up the past few months? Black Moses and Sly are both great. A bunch of other stuff has been great too but not sure it’s stuff you’d like

Could also kick the can down the road and swap for credit to use to rejoin for a month in the future.
@Joe Mac are you still looking for recommendations of albums for swaps? Which stuff have you picked up the past few months? Black Moses and Sly are both great. A bunch of other stuff has been great too but not sure it’s stuff you’d like

Could also kick the can down the road and swap for credit to use to rejoin for a month in the future.

Have sly. Thinking about black Moses. Was going to get stevie but that doesn’t appear to be around any more and I suppose I own a good enough copy of it already. Really slim pickings! Absolutely not re subbing though, I’d rather just take the most valuable option and sell it to my local if I don’t want anything.
Have sly. Thinking about black Moses. Was going to get stevie but that doesn’t appear to be around any more and I suppose I own a good enough copy of it already. Really slim pickings! Absolutely not re subbing though, I’d rather just take the most valuable option and sell it to my local if I don’t want anything.
Is Joni available for a swap? I think that is probably the best value for resale right now
Have sly. Thinking about black Moses. Was going to get stevie but that doesn’t appear to be around any more and I suppose I own a good enough copy of it already. Really slim pickings! Absolutely not re subbing though, I’d rather just take the most valuable option and sell it to my local if I don’t want anything.
Black Moses is really excellent. Not sure why Stevie isn’t there.

If you did for credit could just hop back in for a month for “free” when you see something you like. But get why ya don’t want to.
I’d pretty much made up my mind to resub. Risk aside someone has to keep this thread alive and I’m willing to take a potential financial hit to be that person. Even if that just entails me talking to me.

Someone else is going to have to carry the RHH torch though.