Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

The beatings will continue until morale is improved.

This was definitely the way at the car parts place I was working at when my youngest was born.

...but then the paid me not to be there for my last two weeks when I gave notice because they thought I was trying to unionize the place or something – so it worked out for me, but fucked over my work friends I didn't want to fuck over (none of whom work there anymore. For good reason!)
This was definitely the way at the car parts place I was working at when my youngest was born.

...but then the paid me not to be there for my last two weeks when I gave notice because they thought I was trying to unionize the place or something – so it worked out for me, but fucked over my work friends I didn't want to fuck over (none of whom work there anymore. For good reason!)
Pretty much the way it was at the hospital when I left. I debated unionizing and I was management.
Pretty much the way it was at the hospital when I left. I debated unionizing and I was management.

The funniest part is that before I left my last job I was looking at trying to get rid of the union! 🤣

*and let me be clear, I'm pro-union, but in that case the union had been brought in to combat management that preceded my time there and was supremely awful, but we had good bosses and a collective agreement that actually had us making LESS than out non-unio counterparts on the mainland due to inflation raising their wages above what was set out in our agreement.

**I also got fucked out of my second week paid vacation my second year there because I started in Februar and the union rollover was January 1.
The funniest part is that before I left my last job I was looking at trying to get rid of the union! 🤣

*and let me be clear, I'm pro-union, but in that case the union had been brought in to combat management that preceded my time there and was supremely awful, but we had good bosses and a collective agreement that actually had us making LESS than out non-unio counterparts on the mainland due to inflation raising their wages above what was set out in our agreement.

**I also got fucked out of my second week paid vacation my second year there because I started in Februar and the union rollover was January 1.
I’m pro-union. The union from campus that affected the hospital had long served its purpose and actually caused problems.

The hospital had all kinds of union busting classes that management had to go to. Made it real easy to brainwash the management staff when the one on campus example was clearly a bad egg.
i told them several of the decisions they were making at the end might actually mobilize the staff that had grumbled about it to unionize. The shit head who pretty much single handedly made the job miserable told me/the management team that HR didn’t care. I believe every fourth word out of this guy’s mouth so don’t necessarily believe that.
After 8 and a bit years I’m thinking of dropping my VMP. I have Classics sub but have been enjoying less and less of late. I have two pre-orders Stakes is High and the Marantz compilation and I’m still considering the Fela box set, which no doubt they’ll hit me up for paid shipping despite buying as a paid member at the time of purchase.

My 12 month Sub renews in a few hours so might weigh up continuing but at this stage I feel like I’m collecting for collecting sake. I’d probably stick around if there was a clear roster of upcoming releases instead of being drip fed releases or forced to listen to rumour and gossip based on handful of clues every few months.

I have to say that this forum was probably the best thing have come out of VMP’s existence.
After 8 and a bit years I’m thinking of dropping my VMP. I have Classics sub but have been enjoying less and less of late. I have two pre-orders Stakes is High and the Marantz compilation and I’m still considering the Fela box set, which no doubt they’ll hit me up for paid shipping despite buying as a paid member at the time of purchase.

My 12 month Sub renews in a few hours so might weigh up continuing but at this stage I feel like I’m collecting for collecting sake. I’d probably stick around if there was a clear roster of upcoming releases instead of being drip fed releases or forced to listen to rumour and gossip based on handful of clues every few months.

I have to say that this forum was probably the best thing have come out of VMP’s existence.
FWIW, I’ve never gotten charged for shipping for an order I’ve made while a member that shipped when I wasn’t one. I’ve been an on and off member for years.

Personally, I’d let the sub lapse and hop back in for a month or so if some upcoming releases piqued my interest. Based on what you’re saying and some of the moves VMP has made lately, I wouldn’t personally give them the money for a year up front.

I feel like the timing of their quarterly announcements is wrong too. Would make more sense if they had announced the next titles now to entice people to stay or give them more of an informed decision.
After 8 and a bit years I’m thinking of dropping my VMP. I have Classics sub but have been enjoying less and less of late. I have two pre-orders Stakes is High and the Marantz compilation and I’m still considering the Fela box set, which no doubt they’ll hit me up for paid shipping despite buying as a paid member at the time of purchase.

My 12 month Sub renews in a few hours so might weigh up continuing but at this stage I feel like I’m collecting for collecting sake. I’d probably stick around if there was a clear roster of upcoming releases instead of being drip fed releases or forced to listen to rumour and gossip based on handful of clues every few months.

I'm with you here. I've gathered every classics release from the beginning but I'm starting to feel like I'm just getting them just to get them at this point. I can probably stop my sub next month, wait 6 months and grab all the releases I missed in a sale for a fraction of the price of the sub.

I used to justify the yearly price with the great selection of limited store track drops and adding an Essentials or RHH pretty regularly. The store drops have been just color alts of widely pressed records or open pre-orders that are way overpriced. Nothing truly exclusive that isn't upcharged out the wazoo. The tracks I've added have withered as well. I've added 4 Essentials and only 1 RHH track in the last year. Some of the curation from RHH has been good, it's just not things that I NEED on vinyl so I've been passing a lot.

Given the current assumed state of the company I could see them losing a ton of subscribers if this next quarter isn't containing some heavy hitters. This is probably the most important quarter for the company it's ever seen.