Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

not checking this thread very often these day, so this could be old news but i just saw that HHV has a lot of past vmp releases up for preorder .

good luck to the HHV service team dealing with all those issues
not checking this thread very often these day, so this could be old news but i just saw that HHV has a lot of past vmp releases up for preorder .

good luck to the HHV service team dealing with all those issues
So does Colemine and Paladin…

They’ve “reinstated” their wholesale program.
The beatings will continue until morale is improved.

This was definitely the way at the car parts place I was working at when my youngest was born.

...but then the paid me not to be there for my last two weeks when I gave notice because they thought I was trying to unionize the place or something – so it worked out for me, but fucked over my work friends I didn't want to fuck over (none of whom work there anymore. For good reason!)
This was definitely the way at the car parts place I was working at when my youngest was born.

...but then the paid me not to be there for my last two weeks when I gave notice because they thought I was trying to unionize the place or something – so it worked out for me, but fucked over my work friends I didn't want to fuck over (none of whom work there anymore. For good reason!)
Pretty much the way it was at the hospital when I left. I debated unionizing and I was management.
Pretty much the way it was at the hospital when I left. I debated unionizing and I was management.

The funniest part is that before I left my last job I was looking at trying to get rid of the union! 🤣

*and let me be clear, I'm pro-union, but in that case the union had been brought in to combat management that preceded my time there and was supremely awful, but we had good bosses and a collective agreement that actually had us making LESS than out non-unio counterparts on the mainland due to inflation raising their wages above what was set out in our agreement.

**I also got fucked out of my second week paid vacation my second year there because I started in Februar and the union rollover was January 1.
The funniest part is that before I left my last job I was looking at trying to get rid of the union! 🤣

*and let me be clear, I'm pro-union, but in that case the union had been brought in to combat management that preceded my time there and was supremely awful, but we had good bosses and a collective agreement that actually had us making LESS than out non-unio counterparts on the mainland due to inflation raising their wages above what was set out in our agreement.

**I also got fucked out of my second week paid vacation my second year there because I started in Februar and the union rollover was January 1.
I’m pro-union. The union from campus that affected the hospital had long served its purpose and actually caused problems.

The hospital had all kinds of union busting classes that management had to go to. Made it real easy to brainwash the management staff when the one on campus example was clearly a bad egg.
i told them several of the decisions they were making at the end might actually mobilize the staff that had grumbled about it to unionize. The shit head who pretty much single handedly made the job miserable told me/the management team that HR didn’t care. I believe every fourth word out of this guy’s mouth so don’t necessarily believe that.