Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Start with the question, why are there so many QA issues with what gets pressed for VMP and shipped to them? Then ask, does VMP have QA in place to check what they receive from pressing plants, before they ship product out to customers? Finally, why is their CS down to one caring dude on a social media platform the majority of buyers don't frequent? The CS folks likely felt some help is needed at the front of the assembly line.
When the cooks get every other dish wrong consistently or can't get food out of the kitchen timely, it affects the wait staff. This is that restuarant.
I’m not going to rehash all the ills of VMP. We’ve all noted that the best CS involves tighter QA. I was without trying to be a dick saying even Pauly is blowing some smoke up everyone’s ass at this point. They’ve ruined the one thing EVERYONE consistently praised. This to me, more than conspiracy theory 13452 pointing to their imminent demise, is a concerning thing.
I should probably just cancel my subscription, but I kind of want to watch everything burn too.
You can do that without losing money. You still receive emails and have discord access once you are no longer a customer. I have had the lawn chair out watching the bonfire burn for the past 4 months now.
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I think I had a human trying to tell me that canceled the Sabbath record I've been waiting on all year, but then I was Ghosted when I persisted and asked them to include Paulie on the conversation going forward.

Ha! I just now checked my email and over a month later she did refund me... not only for the Sabbath but also the Guy Clark, which I received and the Comedy Box, which I received TWICE!!
