Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

You know what I love? That they picked this fucking stupid ass discord platform which is nigh unnavigable and get annoyed when they have to repeat answers to folks because it’s in the same thread somewhere above where the person asked. Shit always seems to randomly open to some response between now and the last time I opened a thread. If you scroll up, it’s not like there is a great way to filter answers or look for anything…. Unless you know, you care about fucking gif party.

If I haven’t said it recently, I FUCKING HATE DISCORD.
I hate the Discord platform. I scroll past all of the silly gifs and basically use it to DM Pauly if I need something. One comment I did make not too long ago, which Pauly agreed with, is that customers should not have to use Discord to resolve issues. They need an actual company wide platform with responsive CS agents.
You know what I love? That they picked this fucking stupid ass discord platform which is nigh unnavigable and get annoyed when they have to repeat answers to folks because it’s in the same thread somewhere above where the person asked. Shit always seems to randomly open to some response between now and the last time I opened a thread. If you scroll up, it’s not like there is a great way to filter answers or look for anything…. Unless you know, you care about fucking gif party.

If I haven’t said it recently, I FUCKING HATE DISCORD.

VMP didn't pick it because it was the best platform - it's impossible to be unaware that it's an awful fit for their intended usage. It was a free already-existing option in which they could control access.
VMP didn't pick it because it was the best platform - it's impossible to be unaware that it's an awful fit for their intended usage. It was a free already-existing option in which they could control access.

They gave us a three period (maybe less?) before they closed their forum and we found both the people to and the money needed to have this nice little place called N&G.

They can go to any other platform, it's not the problem. The problem is the way they communicate with subscribers and shouldn't. It turns into some kind of toxic relationship. Then they say fuck you all and your negativity and start in a new place. They don't learn and still don't know how to communicate. Thing is that without communication, there is no FOMO.
I don’t know, guys. I think Discord is exactly what they wanted. The boards became a problem in their eyes because there was a record of the problems. Reddit seemed like a good replacement because surely they could just get enough people to thumbs up shit to get the bad shit regulated to oblivion. Discord is impossible to search and everything just eventually disappears.
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I don’t know, guys. I think Discord is exactly what they wanted. The boards became a problem in their eyes because there was a record of the problems. Reddit seemed like a god replacement because surely they could just get enough people to thumbs up shit to get the bad shit regulated to oblivion. Discord is impossible to search and everything just eventually disappears.
Well, they only hurt themselves. I get they didn't (and still don't) like boo birds on the old board, but the flip of that is if you are truly committed to customer service and being the best, you are 1.) Open to what the customer issues are and 2.) Can respectfully respond about what you're gonna do to fix the problem. You can't be in a subscription business at their price level and basically tell paying customers to eff off and hide in the online bushes.
I don’t know, guys. I think Discord is exactly what they wanted. The boards became a problem in their eyes because there was a record of the problems. Reddit seemed like a god replacement because surely they could just get enough people to thumbs up shit to get the bad shit regulated to oblivion. Discord is impossible to search and everything just eventually disappears.

They actually deleted some rooms with all the information that was in there.