Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

But the magazine only has the listening notes for next month's releases, not the current month. The purpose of the magazine is to hype the next month's records, not give us listening notes for the records we actually get.
I received the 'mag' yesterday. Quick read through, nothing really interesting, a puff promo for upcoming ROTM titles basically. I don't give a shit for a lame member profile, the crossword is a cool idea, too much pushing to buy back titles.

Unusual for me, as I tend to hang on to stuff - it was in the recycle bin by evening.
What is wrong with people. There are multiple people who swap out their track and then add that track on. These people then get all weird about the fact that the track they swapped is sold out.
What is wrong with people. There are multiple people who swap out their track and then add that track on. These people then get all weird about the fact that the track they swapped is sold out.
I'm not a member, but I used to do this. I'd go month-to-month, swap my main sub for store credit (that could be converted back to membership credit) and go with an add-on because it was $10 (or even more) cheaper than my main month-to-month. Was surprised that they didn't close that loophole. (I haven't tried in a while, but I think that still works.)
I'm not a member, but I used to do this. I'd go month-to-month, swap my main sub for store credit (that could be converted back to membership credit) and go with an add-on because it was $10 (or even more) cheaper than my main month-to-month. Was surprised that they didn't close that loophole. (I haven't tried in a while, but I think that still works.)
I mean I guess that makes sense. They clearly haven’t.
I'm not a member, but I used to do this. I'd go month-to-month, swap my main sub for store credit (that could be converted back to membership credit) and go with an add-on because it was $10 (or even more) cheaper than my main month-to-month. Was surprised that they didn't close that loophole. (I haven't tried in a while, but I think that still works.)
When I would hop back on for 3 month stretches I would do this. I would use the credits to buy older scROTMs but ran out of stuff that I wanted.