Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

They also said they always plan many months in advance to make sure every record is in gosse on time. Or was. Or could be.
Well evidently, stuff has been hitting the port between the 30 and the 4th all year which is why they’ve moved to fulfillment being done by the 20th. Plus since they are actually bundling domestic orders (international still seems to be a clusterfuck of “whatever”), I don’t imagine I will see a shipment arrive by the deadline before my sub ends (unless I some how manage to hit the first week of shipping)
All of them except hip-hop Aotm.
Hip Hop, direct to ship and in stock items should ship. But the problem is that is followed by this sentence…
However, orders, including the impacted titles, will be delayed until those items arrive
I imagine the fact that Storf doesn’t give a fuck about an Oxford comma has something to do with the second and third comma clouding the water as, if you take the descriptor clause out, it says orders will be delayed. If they hadn’t put the fucking commas there, it would probably say what they meant.
Hip Hop, direct to ship and in stock items should ship. But the problem is that is followed by this sentence…

I imagine the fact that Storf doesn’t give a fuck about an Oxford comma has something to do with the second and third comma clouding the water as if you take the descriptor clause out says orders will be delayed. If they hadn’t put the fucking commas there, it would probably say what they meant.

Yup! By the way, since they bundle "every" order now... November shipping.
Hip Hop, direct to ship and in stock items should ship. But the problem is that is followed by this sentence…

I imagine the fact that Storf doesn’t give a fuck about an Oxford comma has something to do with the second and third comma clouding the water as, if you take the descriptor clause out, it says orders will be delayed. If they hadn’t put the fucking commas there, it would probably say what they meant.
Can't blame that one on Oxford. There's no series; that's just poor writing. But yes, I think your reading is correct: "orders that include the affected titles will be delayed . . ."
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At first I thought this was "Free the Universe" and I was kind of sad to miss it.
I tried to get my $3 store credit shifted to membership credits to go towards my add-on for this, which I thought was my last month..
But last week they refunded my ROTM and add-on track (which had used my membership credit but not with the $3 store credit added) and just bow a couple weeks later got a message from Sharmaine saying my $3 store credit has been switched to membership credit which can go toward my next subscription renewal 😂 I mean, thanks, "Sharmaine" but the whole point is that I wanted to use them up BECAUSE I CAN'T RENEW MY SUBSCRIPTION EVEN IF K WANTED TO!!

What an absolute train wreck.