Nee Lewman
It does sound like it’s up for internal debate though. Which would be a bad blow to the already shaky value prop. I totally get it in terms of inventory management, but man that’d be terrible for customers. I’d be furious if I paid 50 to pick a record I didn’t want (and weight has increasingly marginal resale value)
Continuing to change the club in such a way that means they pretty much have to offer refunds or face breach of contract concerns can’t possibly help their financials. I know Pauly says they talk about these things, but I find the board that allegedly allowed a record plant they didn’t own be built on their dime (not mention be advertised as theirs) unlikely to be able to really think these kind of decisions through. They are in a death spiral and desperately clawing to stay afloat.Given the current state of of the company, anyone swapping for future credit might as well just download a betting app and try their luck there.