Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Snince I'm a glutton for punishment I'm thinking of signing up for a 3 or 6 month subscription. First record would be Broadcast, which I want. Also interested in swapping for Neon Indian for my second month. That's still possible right? What time of the month do you have to lock it in?
Snince I'm a glutton for punishment I'm thinking of signing up for a 3 or 6 month subscription. First record would be Broadcast, which I want. Also interested in swapping for Neon Indian for my second month. That's still possible right? What time of the month do you have to lock it in?
During the swap window? If you’re subscribed on the first, you lock in the 15% discount in the store. There’s supposed to be a bunch of new stuff in swaps but yeah, back catalog should still be there.