I actually think VMP will survive this, though they will be a quite different by the end of 2025. I think they will become a membership version of Bullmoose/Newbury/Zia, just offering exclusive colourways.
I think they will have 2 ROTM streams. Classic Essentials which will be any album released before 2000. And Modern Essentials which will be anything released after 2000. There will be no swapping between streams and especially no swapping for credit. You might be able to swap for an older Classic or Modern title but still in your stream. Anything else you would have to buy.
Anthologies are gone and so will anything that hints at 'audiophile'. People who buy audiophile are too picky and nit-picky.
Your monthly membership will get you your ROTM and a cheaper price for other exclusives, but those will just be different coloured pressings, not true exclusives.
Just my 2 cents