Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Yes VMP were clear that refunds would be managed as part of this process. I think that this is what they need to contract, stabilise and think about what the reality of the market means for them (lots of competition, harder to get the presses they want etc).

I’m one of the international crew being fired as a customer this month. I’ll miss it after about 5 or so years.

The relentless negativity and cynicism around VMP is noteworthy though. The comments on this thread this past week have been off putting. Everything is a sign of the company’s impending doom… who can one-up the previous comment on how some update or outcome elsewhere is another nail in the coffin or another harbinger of doom.

I like the company. I’d like to see them get through this obviously difficult period. Sure. They might not. But I hope that they do.

And I’m looking forward to Tender Buttons. Another record that is new to me that they’re introducing me to. Dreams was my first. Tender Buttons my last.
I would say as to the negativity that there is a little bit of schadenfreude to it based off of how VMP has treated its loyal customer base over the years (I don’t need to go into this forum’s origin story).

But more importantly, I think the perspective that a lot of us have is important in terms of other services folding and business practices, because the optimism I’ve seen some have about VMP and their commercial speak is really hard to believe to be honest. They’re doing the same things that other services did before they went under and screwed their customers over. And I also don’t want people on this board to be holding the bag when this goes under. Particularly those awaiting expensive preorders that have been outstanding for over a year. Not saying it is a guarantee to happen for sure or that I even want it to (which I don’t, I thoroughly enjoyed the service at its best), but caution is warranted for sure.
Yes VMP were clear that refunds would be managed as part of this process. I think that this is what they need to contract, stabilise and think about what the reality of the market means for them (lots of competition, harder to get the presses they want etc).

I’m one of the international crew being fired as a customer this month. I’ll miss it after about 5 or so years.

The relentless negativity and cynicism around VMP is noteworthy though. The comments on this thread this past week have been off putting. Everything is a sign of the company’s impending doom… who can one-up the previous comment on how some update or outcome elsewhere is another nail in the coffin or another harbinger of doom.

I like the company. I’d like to see them get through this obviously difficult period. Sure. They might not. But I hope that they do.

And I’m looking forward to Tender Buttons. Another record that is new to me that they’re introducing me to. Dreams was my first. Tender Buttons my last.
I hope you (And all the other international VMPers for that matter) continue hanging around N&G even though the VMP is no longer available for you.

Broadcast is fantastic. if you are looking for new music suggestions there are plenty awesome people on here that would be happy to help you discover outstanding stuff that you might be unfamiliar with. I have been turned on to a ton of great stuff just seeing others here discussing and posting stuff.
I actually think VMP will survive this, though they will be a quite different by the end of 2025. I think they will become a membership version of Bullmoose/Newbury/Zia, just offering exclusive colourways.

I think they will have 2 ROTM streams. Classic Essentials which will be any album released before 2000. And Modern Essentials which will be anything released after 2000. There will be no swapping between streams and especially no swapping for credit. You might be able to swap for an older Classic or Modern title but still in your stream. Anything else you would have to buy.

Anthologies are gone and so will anything that hints at 'audiophile'. People who buy audiophile are too picky and nit-picky.

Your monthly membership will get you your ROTM and a cheaper price for other exclusives, but those will just be different coloured pressings, not true exclusives.

Just my 2 cents
I actually think VMP will survive this, though they will be a quite different by the end of 2025. I think they will become a membership version of Bullmoose/Newbury/Zia, just offering exclusive colourways.

I think they will have 2 ROTM streams. Classic Essentials which will be any album released before 2000. And Modern Essentials which will be anything released after 2000. There will be no swapping between streams and especially no swapping for credit. You might be able to swap for an older Classic or Modern title but still in your stream. Anything else you would have to buy.

Anthologies are gone and so will anything that hints at 'audiophile'. People who buy audiophile are too picky and nit-picky.

Your monthly membership will get you your ROTM and a cheaper price for other exclusives, but those will just be different coloured pressings, not true exclusives.

Just my 2 cents
Well it’s a good thing they did the opposite of all this to start the movement there. lol.
I actually think VMP will survive this, though they will be a quite different by the end of 2025. I think they will become a membership version of Bullmoose/Newbury/Zia, just offering exclusive colourways.
i think they will still have their exclusive cuts.

edit: and i think they will start to do open preorders and press to order more often for their exclusive cuts.
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Got the Broadcast ROTM this month... Was going to swap for the other Broadcast album but I guess it's gone now. Swapped for Neon Indian though, since I did want that one.

What's up with those bundles you can choose? I guess you get two records for the price of one?
Got the Broadcast ROTM this month... Was going to swap for the other Broadcast album but I guess it's gone now. Swapped for Neon Indian though, since I did want that one.

What's up with those bundles you can choose? I guess you get two records for the price of one?
Yes--you get 2 for the price of one. They did this a few months back too.

The other broadcast album is a preorder. You can't do preorders for your ROTM.
Got the Broadcast ROTM this month... Was going to swap for the other Broadcast album but I guess it's gone now. Swapped for Neon Indian though, since I did want that one.

What's up with those bundles you can choose? I guess you get two records for the price of one?
The other broadcast album isn’t in stock yet so probably not on the list. I preordered it and will apply my credits swap to it maybe. And yeah, it’s two for the price of one.
Discord had this hint for a store drop

Store drops this week:

Wednesday, a variant of another punk album from the '90s. May the road rise to meet the buyers of this one. 500 units.

My punk expert friend thinks it'll probably be dropkick Murphys