Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Discord had this hint for a store drop

Store drops this week:

Wednesday, a variant of another punk album from the '90s. May the road rise to meet the buyers of this one. 500 units.

My punk expert friend thinks it'll probably be dropkick Murphys
"May the road rise up to meet you" is an Irish saying, and I can't think of a punk band more Irish (American) in the 90s than the Dropkick Murphys so he's likely right. Edit: I had mentioned Flogging Molly in a post below but deleted it based on my lack of Flogging Molly knowledge and thinking they were active in the 90s.
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"May the road rise up to meet you" is an Irish saying, and I can't think of a punk band more Irish (American) in the 90s than the Dropkick Murphys so he's likely right. Edit: I had mentioned Flogging Molly in a post below but deleted it based on my lack of Flogging Molly knowledge and thinking they were active in the 90s.

Their 2 albums from the 90s don't seem particularly limited or hard to get so probably a pass for me but we'll see
FWIW I’ve heard the pressing in this one is very meh. Cook packaging though
Agreed. Although I love mine for obvious reasons the actual pressing is absolute trash. Clicks, pops and misprinted sleeves ahoy. I've had 4 copies and the actual playback on them has all been a bit iffy.

I'd get it in swaps then buy a generic shop version to go with it.
The relentless negativity and cynicism around VMP is noteworthy though. The comments on this thread this past week have been off putting.
Be mad at VMP and how they run their business for where we are today and us voicing our opinions based on the experience VMP has provided. IMO they deserve all the criticism they get, and they have only gotten worse on every level possible as a business in the last couple of years. The only thing they did consistently well over this slide was their CS and even that has been abandoned by them at this point. And their CS getting as much praise as it got was a byproduct of how badly the business was run and the inconsistent product they put out.
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I think it's funny that:
  1. They still send me emails, despite my not being a member.
  2. Which emails they send me are inconsistent.
  3. The email they sent regarding the Grateful Dead box was headlined The wait is over! yet the contents say its shipping soon - so the wait is NOT, in fact, over.
they sent me three emails yesterday telling me swaps were live (my sub ended last month) which of course made me panic and check to make sure they didn't just resubscribe me (they didn't shockingly)
they sent me three emails yesterday telling me swaps were live (my sub ended last month) which of course made me panic and check to make sure they didn't just resubscribe me (they didn't shockingly)
"Production Calendar is getting updated now, but for Love Supreme Specifically: Definitely a chance that we get it in time to assemble and ship in February, but if not, will ship in March." - from paulie