Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

If anybody is somehow still a member, looks like swap preview is live and pretty barebones

Debating how I should play this with the assumption that there's a small chance stuff will ship. I could swap for credit and buy exploration in sound for an additional $25 or whatever. Or credit and pick a few random things. Or based on that list go with a tribe called quest but I'd go in blind. Last option is to swap for credit and hope next month they're in the same place and I can swap for credit and buy the exploration in sound fully on credit.

Wouldn't shock me if they can slowly go another month or two bare bones
Debating how I should play this with the assumption that there's a small chance stuff will ship. I could swap for credit and buy exploration in sound for an additional $25 or whatever. Or credit and pick a few random things. Or based on that list go with a tribe called quest but I'd go in blind. Last option is to swap for credit and hope next month they're in the same place and I can swap for credit and buy the exploration in sound fully on credit.

Wouldn't shock me if they can slowly go another month or two bare bones
Tribe Called Quest is good.
Debating how I should play this with the assumption that there's a small chance stuff will ship. I could swap for credit and buy exploration in sound for an additional $25 or whatever. Or credit and pick a few random things. Or based on that list go with a tribe called quest but I'd go in blind. Last option is to swap for credit and hope next month they're in the same place and I can swap for credit and buy the exploration in sound fully on credit.

Wouldn't shock me if they can slowly go another month or two bare bones
At this point, youā€™re waiting on next fulfillment cycle, which is end of April. So swapping for credit and buying something or swapping will likely ship at the same timeā€¦
At this point, youā€™re waiting on next fulfillment cycle, which is end of April. So swapping for credit and buying something or swapping will likely ship at the same timeā€¦

Correct. I rolled the dice on a 3 month. April is month 2 so I could roll the dice that they're around in May and the exploration in sound is still there and use April and May credit for it
If anybody is somehow still a member, looks like swap preview is live and pretty barebones
Thanks for the heads up! I renewed for 12 months back in August before the price increase and stayed in after the format change so Iā€™m still a member! Maybe one of the few leftšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚!

The fact that the link was fixed and works this morning and my March selection and test pressing has been shipped gives me some hope Iā€™ll get another month or so. Pickings are slim but it looks like Iā€™ll go with Oliver Nelson - Straight Ahead and find something else to use the remaining credit I have. šŸ¤žšŸ»