Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

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Has this been posted yet?

nope, thanks
if anything they are inconsistent, there is a hypothesis that they prioritized new members to keep them, I have no idea if we will ever be able to truly test that (this has been an ongoing thought)

I've only been a member since November of last year, but my swaps closed Tuesday and I have no email as of yet. Seems like I'll be getting Outkast. So i don't think it goes by new members or last name lol but maybe I am considered new still
I've only been a member since November of last year, but my swaps closed Tuesday and I have no email as of yet. Seems like I'll be getting Outkast. So i don't think it goes by new members or last name lol but maybe I am considered new still
There aren't more new members than available copies, so non-members were going to be included in getting one (if the hypothesis is true), I don't have the email either
Has this been posted yet?

Who’s got 2 thumbs and NOT purchasing this from VMP...C05FFBD5-17BB-41CB-B56F-E8F432264A7D.gif
View attachment 4951


This is some Jedi mind trick type deal - “How do we get them to forget about all our fuckups and stop hating us so much? We treat them like they’re a brand new customer and convince them this is their first month as a member until they start to believe it themselves!” The gaslighting technique
Who’s got 2 thumbs and NOT purchasing this from VMP...

I honestly would consider it if the price was even close to competitive (their exclusive of Tanya Tucker is cheaper than the other + shipping). Either Secretly Canadian is gouging them on licensing, or they think that $28 for a single LP is justified because... reasons. The forest bark variant is only $20 from Bull Moose/$21 from Rough Trade.
I honestly would consider it if the price was even close to competitive (their exclusive of Tanya Tucker is cheaper than the other + shipping). Either Secretly Canadian is gouging them on licensing, or they think that $28 for a single LP is justified because... reasons. The forest bark variant is only $20 from Bull Moose/$21 from Rough Trade.
The VMP version isn't much different from the Forest Bark at all.

I've tried to get into this band so many times and get hung up on the vocals.