Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Just stumbling on this thread. Been a VMP member since 2014. It has mostly worked out for me, and until this year required very little active attention. Some of this shit is just beyond what I could have imagined. Going to be emailing to cancel out of all my preorders. Still on the month to month, which I think I will keep as it minimizes the downside risk. Can't imagine committing to 3 months with them right now.
Wait, I just remember Storf said that the March Classics ROTM is from 1982! I’m a little relived now! 😅

But omg, wish I could just go into the Saddle Creek/VMP warehouse as well as the VMP office and have a Harry Potter wand and just go “Expelliarmus” to fix everything lol

I mean that means nothing Nathan. That’s his job. He’ll have to keep doing it until the end, regsddlsss of the outcome. He can hardly say to them, we might be gone in March so I won’t bother lining up a record...

Also I’m very confused as to why disarming them all is going to fix a load of business mismanagement issues?
I mean that means nothing Nathan. That’s his job. He’ll have to keep doing it until the end, regsddlsss of the outcome. He can hardly say to them, we might be gone in March so I won’t bother lining up a record...

Also I’m very confused as to why disarming them all is going to fix a load of business mismanagement issues?
So, honest question Joe! I know you very much dislike VMP right now, but do you think the company will be completely shut by June 2020? 🤔


Seriously, why did the store migration have to go this horribly wrong??? 🤦‍♂️
So, honest question Joe! I know you very much dislike VMP right now, but do you think the company will be completely shut by June 2020? 🤔


Seriously, why did the store migration have to go this horribly wrong??? 🤦‍♂️

It’a not that I dislike them, it’s that I feel let down by them, I see that they’ve made gargantuan errors. I don’t trust what they’re saying and I would be reticent to give them more money.

Honestly my instinct is that it’s 60/40 in favour of them being gone but if it does happen it’ll be quicker than June.

If you think the problems began with the migration then you’ve been burying your head in the sand for a long time. The migration issues are not an anomaly, they are symptomatic of the the types of mistakes VMP has been making since I’ve been a member, that’s March 2018, 21 months ago.
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They'll survive, their subscriber base is enormous and filled mostly with people that have more money than sense and/or aren't your classic vinyl collectors of days gone by or maybe they're just a new generation of collector who prefers the vinyl to come to them rather than go digging for it, a fast food fast vinyl generation.

Vinyl Me Please are the McDonalds of the vinyl industry!

I’m getting less sure of this by the day. I find the need for non-traditional short term finance to press the records really worrying, especially considering the size of their customer base. Also the costs incurred with their shipping errors this month could sink even a well run, profitable business. I hope for those with money tied into them and also for the employees sake that I’m wrong.
It’a not that I dislike them, it’s that I feel let down by them, I see that they’ve made gargantuan errors. I don’t trust what they’re saying and I would be reticent to give them more money.

Honestly my instinct is that it’s 60/40 in favour of them being gone but if it does happen it’ll be quicker than June.

If you think the problems began with the migration then you’ve been burying your head in the sand for a long time. The migration issues are not an anomaly, they are symptomatic of the the types of mistakes VMP has been making since I’ve been a member, that’s March 2018, 21 months ago.

As someone that wished endless doom on them, I will say that it's pretty uncomfortable watching it actually happen. I'd imagine that I'm not alone in the fact that my hope's in them failing were only because I didn't want to support the idea that you could operate so callously and win at the end of the day. It was partly just that I believed their shortsighted tactics and increasing disregard for their customers would eventually blow up in their faces. I felt like it was inevitably going to come back and haunt them, both because I felt it should happen on a karmic level, and also because foolish decisions would indicate no other result to me, unless they made some drastic adjustments. I wanted those adjustments to come, but I stopped trusting they would well before the forum ended. Once that happened, it felt like they officially sealed their fate.

Who didn't think shifting to reddit was going to be a mistake for them? We warned them. If those anoraks sold out, I would have been amazed. If those Woodstock sets would have flown off the shelves, my head would have exploded. I would have had to admit I was wrong, but we all knew those weren't going anywhere. They should have known that too.

From the minute the forum went down, the exclusives stopped selling out so quick. The crazy part is that, once they began moving again and they actually had a supportive subreddit behind them, that's right when they fucked everything up. Such a twist!!

I'd still like to see them pull out of the nosedive -- if only long enough for me to get my Danny Brown and Fiona records -- but only if they fix things up, and I can't for the life of me, construct a scenario where that redemption could come about. I don't know how they could become what they once were. In the best case scenario, I don't see them returning to a reasonable price point, removing swap limits, restoring one month memberships, fixing the exchange policy, reinstating referrals (for real), etc.etc. And, even if they did, how will they address the radio silence and lack of transparency they've already exhibited up to this point? A lot of damage has been done. It's a really ugly fucking mess and, everytime I turn around, it doesn't get better, it actually gets worse. It's in their court to at least attempt to fix it, but they've been shifting responsibility so long, it's become their default.
I’m getting less sure of this by the day. I find the need for non-traditional short term finance to press the records really worrying, especially considering the size of their customer base. Also the costs incurred with their shipping errors this month could sink even a well run, profitable business. I hope for those with money tied into them and also for the employees sake that I’m wrong.

This spread of disdain over to instagram is not a great sign, either