Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Seriously Nathan, what the fuck, man?

You can have a differing opinion, but how can you remain consistently blindsided in every comment for a year straight?
But, I’m being serious though! I mean, I am pretty confident in my mind that VMP will stay in business for a long time. But now, what everyone is saying, has me concerned. But overall when I really think about, I think VMP will stick around, they’re just in a crisis at the moment! 😅

Blindsided? I know they do a lot of errors and are stuffing up, I have pointed them out too, but like I’ve said, everything has been going well for me, with them. No lost packages, vinyl comes to me, vinyl is packed well, everything I ordered actually processed and comes to me etc.

I’m paying attention to what everyone is saying, but I’m still confident that VMP will get much better after this crisis and will stick around! 🤞
But, I’m being serious though! I mean, I am pretty confident in my mind that VMP will stay in business for a long time. But now, what everyone is saying, has me concerned. But overall when I really think about, I think VMP will stick around, they’re just in a crisis at the moment! 😅

Blindsided? I know they do a lot of errors and are stuffing up, I have pointed them out too, but like I’ve said, everything has been going well for me, with them. No lost packages, vinyl comes to me, vinyl is packed well, everything I ordered actually processed and comes to me etc.

I’m paying attention to what everyone is saying, but I’m still confident that VMP will get much better after this crisis and will stick around! 🤞

I know you're aware of the problems. That's the point. You act shocked.
For those familiar with the company SoundStage Direct, their situation was eerily similar. They were a fully reliable shop at one point (probably even more than VMP), kind of a competitor to Music Direct and Acoustic Sounds.

One month, they just stopped shipping stuff. Then, as a “sorry” for the shipping issues, they offered a big sale, selling a ton more product. Months went by and no one got anything. Then, the website went offline, it was gone, and your only recourse was CC/PayPal claims.

As @High Rant District says, look out for yourselves. At a certain point, there’s no coming back from major financial issues—don’t be surprised if they need to cut bait.

Placed an order in March of the year they disappeared.
At the end of June, I e-mailed with a detailed list of what I ordered, including a discount code used and the exact amount paid.

Mysteriously, a box with NO tracking appeared soon after.
Sadly, their website disappeared soon after THAT.
I still miss that company.
Not sure about the latter two but the getting fired thing is him being dense and completely misinterpreting what was said. They said he might want to get his resume ready because things didn't look good for VMP and everyone might be out of a job, not just Storf. And they didn't say it like it was wishful thinking either. More like preparing for the worst.
The fucking his mom thing was actually someone sarcastically saying storf comes in to say that he (storf) fucks the redditer's mom.
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If handled with some semblance of competency, shouldn't require additional investors. They spent your record money on anoraks and company parties
I've said this in the past, but I just don't think it's all that profitable of a business and as they scale up in subscriptions they've failed to scale up their operation, and now they're playing catch-up and are incurring huge costs, poor integration of new systems, etc and their pricing and cost structure isn't viable.

It wouldn't shock me if we're here at this time next year and VMP doesn't exist.

It's kind of scary given all their 'success', that they can't just approach a bank about a loan.
I'd guess it's because they're already highly leveraged and can't show healthy cash flows. Banks aren't in the business of losing money, generally. I can't imagine them getting any reasonable finance terms right now through normal financial institutions.

For those familiar with the company SoundStage Direct, their situation was eerily similar. They were a fully reliable shop at one point (probably even more than VMP), kind of a competitor to Music Direct and Acoustic Sounds.

One month, they just stopped shipping stuff. Then, as a “sorry” for the shipping issues, they offered a big sale, selling a ton more product. Months went by and no one got anything. Then, the website went offline, it was gone, and your only recourse was CC/PayPal claims.

As @High Rant District says, look out for yourselves. At a certain point, there’s no coming back from major financial issues—don’t be surprised if they need to cut bait.

Yup, the SSD comparison is spot on.

If January comes around and you haven't received your December albums, file a CC claim and don't look back.

Anyone still waiting on November or earlier RotM's, file now and don't look back.
The amount of business 'insight' on this thread is overwhelming. Does anyone actually own a business here?

In other news: I got two shipping notices, one for Aretha one for Fiona. Neither has started the journey but the labels have been created.
I've also gotten a reply from CS about a problem with my November record. I swapped for Jackie Shane. It's a two album deal with one studio recording and one live. The record was sealed but only the live record was there. VMP is sold out so they credited 25 to my account. Did anyone else by that record? Did anyone else have the same problem?
I've also emailed Numero Group to see if they have an extra disc 1 they can sell me.