Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Just to be safe I cancelled my membership this morning. I'll probably dip back in next year if they announce something I really want (read: Fiona).

Since Snoop’s gatefold-gate I haven’t had problems with VMP, probably because I set my expectations low and have limited myself to a single record from them per month. Even so, I’m tight on money and running out of shelf space, so all signs point toward cutting ties.
What was the issue with Ben Webster? I bought a used copy from Discogs and it’s had the most horrific warp I’ve ever seen. Was that it?

Nothing wrong with the album itself. It's actually one of my favorites! It was delayed by about a month. And they emailed everyone (so they can do it) and actually took accountability for the delay. It was handled really well. I should have clarified - the swoosh and the ben webster are examples of issues they handled well - full transparency, accountability and communication. It's gone downhill since then.
I just filed disputes with my credit card company for all outstanding orders, since CS is unreachable/unresponsive and there is zero information forthcoming.
Did the same with Paypal
People have reported issues with getting replies about cancellations and issues with actually receiving refunds after getting "confirmation" of a processing refund.
It happened to me, got "confirmation" of cancellation and refund but the money didn't didn't come through
Nothing wrong with the album itself. It's actually one of my favorites! It was delayed by about a month. And they emailed everyone (so they can do it) and actually took accountability for the delay. It was handled really well. I should have clarified - the swoosh and the ben webster are examples of issues they handled well - full transparency, accountability and communication. It's gone downhill since then.
Ok good to know, thanks. I was afraid it was a minors defect of some kind that I hadn’t noticed and I bought someone’s first run defective copy and just hadn’t noticed. It’s a great album for sure!
01. Pulp Fiction
02. Inglorious Basterds
03. Kill Bill, Vol. I & II
04. Reservoir Dogs
05. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
06. Django Unchained
07. Jackie Brown
08. The Hateful Eight
09. Death Proof

Let the record, show I would rather watch ANY Tarantino film than pretty much every Marvel film.
no love for From Dusk Till Dawn?
VMP has sold out nearly half of their 36 ROTMs from 2019, they have had a number exclusives sell out rather quickly, all but the latest Anthology sets have sold out quickly too. I know there are a large vocal fraction of their customer base that are unhappy right now, but as soon as the next hyped exclusive comes along many of those same customers will be lining up to buy. They were in the same position last year of having orders delayed until after Christmas and CS backed up requiring other staff to help out with the queue.

They will be around until the "vinyl resurgence" starts to slow and fade.

Selling out RotMs and having strong revenues doesn't necessarily translate into having healthy profits, cash flows, or even a healthy balance sheet. We did the exercised the other day - VMP can easily be generating $10M+ in annual revenues and be losing month on a month to month basis.

As far as the bold, comparing the situation they are in right not to anything of the past is apples and oranges. They aren't even able to bundle multiple records into single shipments right now. People are receiving their December Essentials and December Classics in separate shipments. This is FAR beyond prior issues.

Did the same with Paypal

It happened to me, got "confirmation" of cancellation and refund but the money didn't didn't come through

The fact that they aren't actually processing refunds despite confirming them is a HUGE red flag. Either the system is really THAT fucked, or they don't have the money
Ok good to know, thanks. I was afraid it was a minors defect of some kind that I hadn’t noticed and I bought someone’s first run defective copy and just hadn’t noticed. It’s a great album for sure!

I'm so sorry to cause you to have a minor panic attack. Lol. It really is one of my top 3 that I've received from them. I was initially displeased that they repressed it (because they had previously said they would never repress sold out albums, but they've said a lot of things that they've reversed course on). But after they've repressed so many, I don't really even care. Now I'm just happy that people can get one of the better voldemort AOTMs. If it is still around, people should swap for it. But also, that statement may go to show how out of touch I am with their stock, maybe it isn't available and hasn't been for awhile?
01. Pulp Fiction
02. Inglorious Basterds
03. Kill Bill, Vol. I & II
04. Reservoir Dogs
05. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
06. Django Unchained
07. Jackie Brown
08. The Hateful Eight
09. Death Proof

Let the record, show I would rather watch ANY Tarantino film than pretty much every Marvel film.

01. Pulp Fiction
02. Inglorious Basterds
03. Reservoir Dogs
04. Django Unchained
05. The Hateful Eight
06. Kill Bill, Vol. I & II
07. Jackie Brown
08. Death Proof

Haven't seen Once Upon A Time In Hollywood yet