Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I wanna know who has me on ignore too? Can we set up like a Cluedo Ignore thread? For the record I dont ignore anyone I kinda enjoy people who annoy me with there BS as strange as that sounds 🤣

The ignore button is a godsend. I have 6 people on sort of perma ignore (3 unquestionably so). So glad I don’t have to interact there 😂

Certain others can just be a bit much and I feel the need to turn the volume down in here from time to time for my sanity’s sake! And no neither of you have ever made either list lol.

For the record I know I speak my mind so I’d expect to be on some ignore lists and it wouldn’t offend me in the slightest!
The ignore button is a godsend. I have 6 people on sort of perma ignore (3 unquestionably so). So glad I don’t have to interact there 😂

Certain others are just a bit much and I feel the need to turn the volume down in here from time to time for my sanity’s sake! And no neither of you have ever made either list lol.

For the record I know I speak my mind so I’d expect to be on some ignore lists and it wouldn’t offend me in the slightest!
🤣🤣🤣 I'm sure I'm on an ignore list somewhere too, I would be more intrigued to know than actually care. I really dont care what people think of me to possibly my own detriment at times 🤷‍♂️😂 speaking your mind kinda feels Irish to me, I see some of your posts and I'm like that's how we are 👌🏼🇮🇪

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Let's just "be kind." You know... like knowingly shutting down a depression support thread that numerous people relied on without warning, shutting down comments and going dark on people whose money you have tied up and payment info you've potentially compromised.

Sorry that I don't have any sympathy, but this reads a bit delusional to me.
She shouldn't have posted this.
Man does that being me out in cold sweats. I have had so many bad experiences with outside “consultants” that I view that whole area with a pretty high degree of contempt.
Hello let me introduce you to my new venture, Very Meaty Pizza Logistics Consulting. When you really need to crater your business, just call and we will develop a bespoke plan to help kill it in 6 short weeks
I doubt that anyone in her life would have advised that posting this was a Good Idea, but as @Dead C says, I wouldn’t expect any different sentiment from any one of our spouses/partners in a similar situation. I have no doubt that some angry people have probably crossed some lines in their emails to CS, DMs on socials, etc., on top of what I’m sure is an objectively stressful period for these people. A problem of their own design, sure, but I can’t knock a spouse for wanting to believe the best in her partner and support the mission that puts bread on their table, as well as feeling some protective instincts against what must feel, from her POV, like the barbarians at the gate. The only reason any of us saw this message is because we sought it out. She’s a non-actor in this drama, and although it’s certainly eye roll-worthy in some respects from where we sit, I don’t personally feel like it’s totally in bounds for our forum to put her on blast.

Some of you have never built a vinyl subscription service and it shows

just kidding - all frustrations aside the product keeps me signed up (read: CLASSICS). Just want my stuff to arrive intact so I can listen to music.
I doubt that anyone in her life would have advised that posting this was a Good Idea, but as @Dead C says, I wouldn’t expect any different sentiment from any one of our spouses/partners in a similar situation. I have no doubt that some angry people have probably crossed some lines in their emails to CS, DMs on socials, etc., on top of what I’m sure is an objectively stressful period for these people. A problem of their own design, sure, but I can’t knock a spouse for wanting to believe the best in her partner and support the mission that puts bread on their table, as well as feeling some protective instincts against what must feel, from her POV, like the barbarians at the gate. The only reason any of us saw this message is because we sought it out. She’s a non-actor in this drama, and although it’s certainly eye roll-worthy in some respects from where we sit, I don’t personally feel like it’s totally in bounds for our forum to put her on blast.
If you take a look at her actual website it’s clear she IS involved with VMP. has done work for them to do with Zendesk. She has them listed as a client. No one is advocating sending abuse or any nonsense like that. But if heaps of her husbands customers can’t get any reply then they are going to seek any avenue possible.
she posted a comment on the VMP insta page. It’s not like people stalked her and sought her out via nefarious methods. She has a fully public profile in her own actual name and posted publicly on the company page in her own name. And then posted publicly in her own name on her own page. People shouldn’t automatically think paying customers contacting people associated with the business is a nasty aggressive horrible thing. If I were her I’d be a bit annoyed by it but I’d absolutely be wanting to sort it out.
One other thing: “All I did was click a random comment out of hundreds because I suspected the username was the wife of the CEO of VMP, inspect her public profile to confirm, watch her public IG story, send her an unsolicited message, visit her website, and confirm that she has both personal and professional connections to the company. It’s not like I stalked her.”

NOW — I’m not saying anybody did anything wrong. But I AM saying that some people could read that and feel a whole lot differently. My own opinion, and that’s all it is, is that we should limit our discussion to those people who are authorized to speak as representatives of the company.
Haha. Not quite like that. Someone on here pointed out her message and her public insta story. I sent a msg to her story. And that is that. Her website is in her bio where presumably she wants people to click. The very first thing on her website is about VMP.
not exactly columbo here.
One other thing: “All I did was click a random comment out of hundreds because I suspected the username was the wife of the CEO of VMP, inspect her public profile to confirm, watch her public IG story, send her an unsolicited message, visit her website, and confirm that she has both personal and professional connections to the company. It’s not like I stalked her.”

NOW — I’m not saying anybody did anything wrong. But I AM saying that some people could read that and feel a whole lot differently. My own opinion, and that’s all it is, is that we should limit our discussion to those people who are authorized to speak as representatives of the company.
you should probably delete that bit in your post where you have it in quotation marks as if I actually wrote that. That’s slightly disingenuous.
I hear you. It’s 2020, it’s the internet, we’re all savvy enough to see the breadcrumbs and/or to take measures to hide the things that we want to keep private. Truly, you didn’t do anything I wouldn’t have done to satisfy my own curiosity (except the DM part). But it can easily feed the other side’s narrative too, right? They’ve already mentioned a certain degree of toxicity in the complaints. Storf, no matter what anyone says about the conversation that actually occurred, obviously FELT like some reddit comments went over the line. So if you happen to have that mindset, and then you log onto this forum and find that we’re in the middle of a conversation about what the CEO’s wife posted on her personal page, well...professional connections or not, I just think it looks a little gross for us, that’s all.
For what it’s worth she just replied to me. I promised what she said would remain private and I will honour that. Saying no more on the subject. Over and out.
I'll just leave this here:

I wonder what they could’ve done different with “more time”?