Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I'll see your Mom and raise you a wife...

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ester fielder 5.jpg

Let's just "be kind." You know... like knowingly shutting down a depression support thread that numerous people relied on without warning, shutting down comments and going dark on people whose money you have tied up and payment info you've potentially compromised.

Sorry that I don't have any sympathy, but this reads a bit delusional to me.

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Let's just "be kind." You know... like knowingly shutting down a depression support thread that numerous people relied on without warning, shutting down comments and going dark on people whose money you have tied up and payment info you've potentially compromised.

Sorry that I don't have any sympathy, but this reads a bit delusional to me.


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Let's just "be kind." You know... like knowingly shutting down a depression support thread that numerous people relied on without warning, shutting down comments and going dark on people whose money you have tied up and payment info you've potentially compromised.

Sorry that I don't have any sympathy, but this reads a bit delusional to me.
The real irony is that they ARE the obstacle preventing people from experiencing their music on a deeper level.

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Let's just "be kind." You know... like knowingly shutting down a depression support thread that numerous people relied on without warning, shutting down comments and going dark on people whose money you have tied up and payment info you've potentially compromised.

Sorry that I don't have any sympathy, but this reads a bit delusional to me.

Let's also completely ignore the fact that the migration was most likely due to tax issues and nothing to do with the user experience. And it's really hard to paint yourself as a 'scrappy team' while your PR arm is doing press about 10 million in revenue a year.
This, 100% this. Why let the 95% know that 5% is having a huge issue? It's not a good look for those 95% that are blissfully unaware that anything is going on.

Honestly, after your consistent reddit bullshit, I'm still not sure why you decided to come over here, when you weren't on here before. Stop acting like it's only 5% of the people affected. If that was the case, they wouldn't have issued the statement that they did today at all. What they've been doing is passive aggressive. People know something is wrong when they aren't receiving their orders and they aren't receiving updates or responses; they are just challenging people to call them out on it and, when they do, they remove all channels for them to express their issues. They were only addressing the one platform that they couldn't control: reddit. Eventually, they ghosted on that, too. They know that most people only have so much time and energy to pursue these issues and they've put as many obstacles as possible in the way to buy themselves more time. (more time)

Now that they're pissing off influencers and labels whose albums they've prematurely leaked -- I only just received the Frances Quinlan advanced reviewer download in a press release today, so that definitely shouldn't have been out -- they are forced to say something. Otherwise, they don't have enough respect for their customers to do anything.
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What do you think of me saying this? 😂🙈

View attachment 28983

I already know there’s probably people doing the🤦‍♂️reaction, but I want the VMP team to feel more uplifted because I want the best for VMP! 🤞

I think it's fucking gross, to be honest. You're publicly minimizing the issues that people are facing, while making it seem like VMP is the real victim, here. It's equally sad and disgusting to look at.

Edit: not to mention that you're getting yanked around as bad as anyone, but rather than provide some validation and support for others in your position, you're acting as if they're alone/over exaggerating, and that everything is great, while championing the people responsible.
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What do you think of me saying this? 😂🙈

View attachment 28983

I already know there’s probably people doing the🤦‍♂️reaction, but I want the VMP team to feel more uplifted because I want the best for VMP! 🤞
Its getting weird in here.

Nathan, its a little odd your trying to defend them on their Instagram.

You posting what you wrote onto here is pretty......fucked up? Its not really called for. Just seems like your trying to get a rise out of people who are having legitimate problems. I don't think you need to be sharing this here. You can do this without sharing it with us.
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Its getting weird in here.

Nathan, its a little odd your trying to defend them on their Instagram.

You posting what you wrote onto here is pretty......fucked up? Its not really called for. Just seems your like your trying to get a rise out of people who are having legitimate problems. I don't think you need to be sharing this here. You can do this without sharing it with us.
Yeah, I totally know what you mean! It isn’t really called for! I was just feeling positive and really wanted to get give VMP more positive vibes because I know it’s tough for them right now.....😶

I deleted the post because I think it would definitely upset a lot of people. I didn’t intend though at all, but I see how it’s uncalled for!
Yeah, I totally know what you mean! It isn’t really called for! I was just feeling positive and really wanted to get give VMP more positive vibes because I know it’s tough for them right now.....😶

I deleted the post because I think it would definitely upset a lot of people. I didn’t intend though at all, but I see how it’s uncalled for!

Man, I disagree with just about everything you post, but you shouldn't be the one feeling bad here. Maybe it was too provocative to post the screenshot and ask what everyone thinks, but you post similar thoughts about VMP on here fairly constantly (a major source of why I disagree with you).

This is a thread to discuss the VMP store, not just to hate on them... even if they've earned it. Even though they've messed with your account and records as much as they've messed with so many of us, you're within your rights to still be okay with them and feel comfortable sharing that. You deserve to receive an apology, not post one. N&G shouldn't exist if people are okay saying shit like that to others in this "community".
Man, I disagree with just about everything you post, but you shouldn't be the one feeling bad here. Maybe it was too provocative to post the screenshot and ask what everyone thinks, but you post similar thoughts about VMP on here fairly constantly (a major source of why I disagree with you).

This is a thread to discuss the VMP store, not just to hate on them... even if they've earned it. Even though they've messed with your account and records as much as they've messed with so many of us, you're within your rights to still be okay with them and feel comfortable sharing that. You deserve to receive an apology, not post one. N&G shouldn't exist if people are okay saying shit like that to others in this "community".
Awwwww thanks! I really like @Dead C though and I don’t want to cause any tension between me and him because of my ‘provocative’ post. I can see that he’s not happy with what I posted because he cares about what is right, and cares for everyone getting what they deserve!

I’m such a chicken and never know what to do in situations like this! 🙉🐣

I have to admit that I do need to think more about the consequences of my actions. I’m definitely a sweet, caring and friendly person, but I’m also really insensitive and have that “don’t worry, it will all be good” mentality, which can be unsympathetic....😅

We are all one happy community though! Just no more cheeky playing from me! 👨‍🎤🐶🐒⛄
Let's just "be kind." You know... like knowingly shutting down a depression support thread that numerous people relied on without warning, shutting down comments and going dark on people whose money you have tied up and payment info you've potentially compromised.

none of which his wife had anything to do with, and

Sorry that I don't have any sympathy, but this reads a bit delusional to me.

you are publicly minimizing her experience and the issues she is facing with your comments towards her, the same thing you are stating nathan is doing to others with his comments.

'just be kind' isn't all that unreasonable of a request. reading just this page it certainly feels like our community could share a little more kindness and respect with each other.
Awwwww thanks! I really like @Dead C though and I don’t want to cause any tension between me and him because of my ‘provocative’ post. I can see that he’s not happy with what I posted because he cares about what is right, and cares for everyone getting what they deserve!

I’m such a chicken and never know what to do in situations like this! 🙉🐣

I have to admit that I do need to think more about the consequences of my actions. I’m definitely a sweet, caring and friendly person, but I’m also really insensitive and have that “don’t worry, it will all be good” mentality, which can be unsympathetic....😅

We are all one happy community though! Just no more cheeky playing from me! 👨‍🎤🐶🐒⛄

No tension. I hope you know that I really like you, which is why I hate seeing you get yanked around with your account. Of course, how you choose to deal with that is obviously your choice. I also understand that you're conflicted and I believe that you're only trying to have a positive outlook. At the same time, you asked what we thought about you posting that on an IG post where VMP are already getting a ton of others thanking them for being "up front" and "transparent," when they've been anything but and are clearly fishing for praise and sympathy, when they've burned that bridge a long time ago.

What they've done just reads as another attempt to gaslight those voicing legitimate concerns, which they absolutely knew was coming after reopening the comments - especially, since that's why they shut them down in the first place. If they did this from the beginning, the push back would never have been this bad.

When you attempt to silence people, their voices will only get louder and, if they were able to continue dodging responsibility and ignoring customers, that's exactly what they'd do. I think it's a really important step for them to take this heat, if they genuinely do want to evolve as a company that can sustain themselves as you hope they can. Letting them off the hook and painting those with issues as "minor," isn't good for anyone in the long run.