Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Strange time, I'm assuming it's to coincide with some big release's announcement that VMP will have a variant for.

Edit: I imagine one of the store drops will be for the new Julia Jacklin album.


Edit 2: Did Julia Jacklin become big enough to really warrant 8 variants? Jeez...
Guys...there's a hot takes thread on here for all this blasphemy ;)

I will say, I'm surprised at how popular she became. But Punisher and Stranger In The Alps are both solid albums.

Both solid albums!?!? Take that to the hot take thread! Wait... is there a universally approved thread? 😛
Guys...there's a hot takes thread on here for all this blasphemy ;)

I will say, I'm surprised at how popular she became. But Punisher and Stranger In The Alps are both solid albums.
Thankfully I did not get hyped up for their teased repress. I guess De La, Method Man or something would be too much to ask.
