Well-Known Member
I had an issue with this in reverse--some international retailer sending stuff to me in the US. Both companies claimed it wasn't their fault and couldn't get an answer out of anybody. Ended up getting it reshipped to my neighbor's house next door and it got there no problem...never figured out what the issue was though as neither party cared to look into it much since they blamed the other company. Super frustrating. Hope it somehow gets sorted for you.I had a long chat with CS at Royal Mail the other day about this. Essentially she said that the information (address) is set out and embedded within the QR code on the label that they receive. They can it and the new label is automatically generated from that information. So its not the case that Royal Mail has an error on their end, she actually said that it would be fraudulent if that was the case.
If that is the case, it must be something that VMP are doing, no one seems to know what it is though.