Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I’m not emailing shit. Gonna go in the feedback thread and @ matt.
I'm not bothering to email them either. Their CS was rather pleasant to deal with a few months ago, now it just stresses me out. I'm irritated enough having to deal with music direct to get my settlement check that was lost in the mail. Can't handle dealing with another one on top of that. I'm too anxious lately and need to just let go of some stress, like ridiculously long shipping times.
I'm not bothering to email them either. Their CS was rather pleasant to deal with a few months ago, now it just stresses me out. I'm irritated enough having to deal with music direct to get my settlement check that was lost in the mail. Can't handle dealing with another one on top of that. I'm too anxious lately and need to just let go of some stress, like ridiculously long shipping times.
I wouldn’t sweat the shipping time too much if I wasn’t already worried that they are gonna email me tomorrow saying they oversold and are sending me TTD
I actually got a notification email on 2 records I’ve been waiting a looong time for. So maybe was truth in it. I also Dmd Pauline in Discord but he didn’t reply so who knows if that was coincidence ?
I mean I don’t really want to dm plus part of my deal is if you are gonna be transparent then be transparent. Instead we get more unfulfilled promises, lies and the same poor communication. I’m guessing I’m not the only one still waiting on their shipping notice, so when I ask it will be for everyone still waiting.
I mean I don’t really want to dm plus part of my deal is if you are gonna be transparent then be transparent. Instead we get more unfulfilled promises, lies and the same poor communication. I’m guessing I’m not the only one still waiting on their shipping notice, so when I ask it will be for everyone still waiting.
I'm still waiting on Sept. ROTMs plus 3 separate bundled orders going back to Aug. 12.:devilish:
He can then join Magnolia Record Club and wonder why every ROTM is either on Dualtone or is Drew Holcolmb.
Naw, they have real shitty curation which makes no sense because Dualtone ran a decent club. Magnolia was a decent club. Dualtone stopped Their club. Eventually Magnolia handed over the reins to Dualtone. The combined sub sucks.

Maybe I’ll help @Hemotep start @Yer Ol' Uncle D ’s Live Music is Better Club.
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