What's Going On Up There- The Headphone Thread

I made the decision to exit the vinyl game. Haven’t bought any in a year or more and it sadly comprises only a fraction of my listening. Sold my turntable and phono stage. A bigger system downsizing is ahead as my listening habits and interests have changed.

Mixed feelings but…. purchased a Woo Audio WA5-LE 2nd Gen to up the headphone game. I look forward to running it with my HD660S2’s and will begin the hunt for another pair of headphones.

More to come.
Big step , expect I will be doing the same thing in a couple of years when we downsize and move closer to our son . Will miss the old vintage system I expect but boy does it take up a lot of room . Since getting the Sennheiser HD 600 I have been using them a lot , but it takes some getting use too as I still like the music coming from my speakers , however flawed it is due to room acoustics issues . Past use of headphones was limited to an old pair of Yamaha HP-1 's connected to a old Yamaha R-8 receiver in the work shop . Not comparable to the HD 600s but still a nice sounding headphone .
Big step , expect I will be doing the same thing in a couple of years when we downsize and move closer to our son . Will miss the old vintage system I expect but boy does it take up a lot of room . Since getting the Sennheiser HD 600 I have been using them a lot , but it takes some getting use too as I still like the music coming from my speakers , however flawed it is due to room acoustics issues . Past use of headphones was limited to an old pair of Yamaha HP-1 's connected to an old Yamaha R-8 receiver in the work shop . Not comparable to the HD 600s but still a nice sounding headphone .
I’m not selling the records yet. Until I do that I feel like I can easily reverse course if my feelings change.

I can envision moving my amp/pre amp and speakers and getting a vintage turntable to pair with streaming to use with headphones.

Who knows.
I made the decision to exit the vinyl game. Haven’t bought any in a year or more and it sadly comprises only a fraction of my listening. Sold my turntable and phono stage. A bigger system downsizing is ahead as my listening habits and interests have changed.

Mixed feelings but…. purchased a Woo Audio WA5-LE 2nd Gen to up the headphone game. I look forward to running it with my HD660S2’s and will begin the hunt for another pair of headphones.

More to come.
Wow. That’s a major confession on ‘Needles & Grooves’.

I’ve always been tempted by the Woo Audio amps, but never pulled the trigger. Less likely now that I have a dedicated listening room. I still use my headphones, but much less than in the past.

I have a Darkvoice tube amp that I love with my HD6XX. I’m curious about the HD660s2. I may add them to the collection at some point.
I made the decision to exit the vinyl game. Haven’t bought any in a year or more and it sadly comprises only a fraction of my listening. Sold my turntable and phono stage. A bigger system downsizing is ahead as my listening habits and interests have changed.

Mixed feelings but…. purchased a Woo Audio WA5-LE 2nd Gen to up the headphone game. I look forward to running it with my HD660S2’s and will begin the hunt for another pair of headphones.

More to come.
WOW! Big changes, but should give you a steady stream of income for a significant time as you start to sell things off (if you do).

What do you have on your shortlist for headphones?
I’m not selling the records yet. Until I do that I feel like I can easily reverse course if my feelings change.

I can envision moving my amp/pre amp and speakers and getting a vintage turntable to pair with streaming to use with headphones.

Who knows.
I have not purchased a new record for a bit going to focus on listening to the collection through the new Atom headphone amp and HD600. Have not had a pair of headphones on for a very very long time . Trying to get use to sounds waves bouncing around between the ears rather then the walls , ceiling and floor and ears, kind of . Future = change for all of us differently . Well back to that sound in my head .
WOW! Big changes, but should give you a steady stream of income for a significant time as you start to sell things off (if you do).

What do you have on your shortlist for headphones?
I’m thinking either the 800s or perhaps the Focal Mg Clear. I really love the 660S2’s so would seem to make sense to just move up the line. Want to get my ears on the Woo/660S2 combo then kind of go from there.

I did make the big WE 300b tube purchase to use first with the Woo then the Decware 300b upon arrival in a couple years. So we’ll see what all the hubbub is about when they arrive in a couple weeks.
I’m thinking either the 800s or perhaps the Focal Mg Clear. I really love the 660S2’s so would seem to make sense to just move up the line. Want to get my ears on the Woo/660S2 combo then kind of go from there.

I did make the big WE 300b tube purchase to use first with the Woo then the Decware 300b upon arrival in a couple years. So we’ll see what all the hubbub is about when they arrive in a couple weeks.
Very interested in hearing your thoughts on the Woo/660s2 combo with the 300b tubes.
I’m thinking either the 800s or perhaps the Focal Mg Clear. I really love the 660S2’s so would seem to make sense to just move up the line. Want to get my ears on the Woo/660S2 combo then kind of go from there.

I did make the big WE 300b tube purchase to use first with the Woo then the Decware 300b upon arrival in a couple years. So we’ll see what all the hubbub is about when they arrive in a couple weeks.
Very exciting! Hopefully the 300B lives up to the hype for you. Excited to follow that journey. :)
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A new friend to join the EF600. Now I wait.
Arya came in on Xmas eve. I've been able to get a few hours in since and I have been loving it. I don't know that it's as life changing as others seem to think, but I'm very happy with the amp/dac and headphones combo for about $1k out of pocket. Looking forward to having these for years to come.
I'm using HD555s for work (just calls and random computer audio) but am eyeing Meze 99s next time they go on sale (I also have some rewards). However I hear they are very bass-heavy. I don't mind bass I just don't want it to be overpowering the rest of the sound. I previously had some HD6xx but felt they were a little too....neutral? Unexciting? Something? Also clamped like hell.

In the $300 ish range (can go higher but not like $1000) is there anything else I should be considering that isn't from Sennheiser or the Meze 99? I've precviously owned Grado and am not interested in that line
I'm using HD555s for work (just calls and random computer audio) but am eyeing Meze 99s next time they go on sale (I also have some rewards). However I hear they are very bass-heavy. I don't mind bass I just don't want it to be overpowering the rest of the sound. I previously had some HD6xx but felt they were a little too....neutral? Unexciting? Something? Also clamped like hell.

In the $300 ish range (can go higher but not like $1000) is there anything else I should be considering that isn't from Sennheiser or the Meze 99? I've precviously owned Grado and am not interested in that line
I like the Meze 99. They are not a neutral sounding headphone, but I find them pleasant for listening to classic rock and jazz.

I also have the Meze 109Pro which are an all around better sounding headphone but out of your price range.

If I were you I would check out the recently released Meze 105 AER.

Lastly, in addition to sounding great Meze headphones are well built, very comfortable, and IMO great looking.

I do not work for Meze or headphones.com. I’m just a fan of the Meze brand and think headphones.com offers a great service for those trying to find the right set of headphones for their tastes.
Ok guys, Coles notes version... what numbers do I want to match up when trying to find headphones that work well sensitivity wise with my amp? I have a old pair of ATH m50s but they hiss when I'm running my vinyl system, zero hiss through the system otherwise though. Slight hiss with tv using headphones, guessing they're overdriven but not sure... would kinda like to replace after years of use.
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Ok guys, Coles notes version... what numbers do I want to match up when trying to find headphones that work well sensitivity wise with my amp? I have a old pair of ATH m50s but they hiss when I'm running my vinyl system, zero hiss through the system otherwise though. Slight hiss with tv using headphones, guessing they're overdriven but not sure... would kinda like to replace after years of use.
are...Cole's Notes...Canadian Cliff's Notes...??

headphone hiss is often caused by an impedance mismatch, I think. they do sell adapters to increase the input impedance of the headphones, but they may affect your max volume by a little bit.

you want the output impedance of your headphone amp to be significantly lower than the input impedance of your headphones. if the impedance is all in line, then it probably comes down to sensitivity, though your amp is probably pretty solid (?) in this respect.
are...Cole's Notes...Canadian Cliff's Notes...??

headphone hiss is often caused by an impedance mismatch, I think. they do sell adapters to increase the input impedance of the headphones, but they may affect your max volume by a little bit.

you want the output impedance of your headphone amp to be significantly lower than the input impedance of your headphones. if the impedance is all in line, then it probably comes down to sensitivity, though your amp is probably pretty solid (?) in this respect.
Yeah I mean the impedance lines up, could just be that the headphone jack on this amp kinda sucks. I don't have a separate headphone amp so that certainly could be it.
Yeah I mean the impedance lines up, could just be that the headphone jack on this amp kinda sucks. I don't have a separate headphone amp so that certainly could be it.
Wouldn’t/shouldn’t the headphone amp have a different impedance from the main amp? I could never find the info on mine and both sets of senns have been driven fine so I stopped caring.
Wouldn’t/shouldn’t the headphone amp have a different impedance from the main amp? I could never find the info on mine and both sets of senns have been driven fine so I stopped caring.
It certainly might, it would make sense since the thing is dead quiet otherwise. It seems to mostly only happen when I'm on vinyl, and I know the RMS output is higher this way so I'm not sure how that changes it. But it may be something unavoidable with this amp without a separate headphone amp.